The deals I focused on were: buy $20 in Aveeno products, get $10 in ECB's; buy 2 Kotex at $7, get $2 in ECB's; and Kellogg's cereal at $1.88. I had $13 in ECB's from last week.
Transaction 1:
1 Aveeno radiance exfoliater, on sale for $7
1 Aveeno shampoo, on sale for $6.50
1 Aveeno conditioner, on sale for $6.50
Used $5 off of $15 coupon that printed out for me at the machine
Used 2 $2 off any Aveeno product printable coupon
Used $11 in ECB's from last week.
Total OOP: $0.00 and got $10 ECB's in return.
Transaction 2:
2 Kotex light days on sale 2/$7
1 box of Kellogg's Raisin Bran (for DH)
Used 1 $1 off Kellogg's Raisin Bran printable coupon
Used 1 $1.50 off 2 Kotex printable coupon
Used $2 in ECB's from last week.
Total OOP: $4.38 and got $2 ECB's in return
Total value for all products: $35.35
Total OOP: $4.38, saved 88%!
Total ECB's for next week: $12!
Now for grocery deals:
Deals I focused on were Chicken of the Sea Solid White Tuna, 10/$10; Wish Bone dressing, 10/$10; and Francesco Rinauldi's pasta sauce, 10/$10.
6 Chicken of the Sea cans
2 Wish Bone dressings
7 Franceso Rinauldi sauce
Used 2 $0.75 off Wish Bone dressing coupons (making them $0.25 each!)
Used 2 double coupons, $0.50 money maker!
Total value of products: $25.67
Total OOP: $12.00, saved 47%!!
Big Y:
Deals I focused on were: Big Y oats, 10/$10; General Mills Cereal, 3/$6; Scotties facial tissues, 10/$10; Adironack Seltzer water, 10/$10; and International Delight Creamer, 10/$10.
8 International Delight creamers
2 Big Y oats
3 boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios
6 bottles of Adironack seltzer water
Used 1 $1 off 3 boxes of GM cereal
Used 2 $1 off 5 boxes of scotties tissues coupon
Used 2 $1 off 1 International Delight printable coupon
Used 5 Big Y double dollar coupons
Total value of products: $52.13
Total OOP: $22.30, saved 43%!!
Budget: $20 under budget this week, $224 left for June.
What good deals did you get this week?
Alright Shelly- I have to ask- hope you don't mind :) I've tried getting into the coupon thing and it kind of inspires me when I see blogs where they have a bunch of groceries but paid so little. So my question- is this stuff you would buy anyway? Cause when I see all these deals I think that there is no way we would eat all this, is it more of a stocking up thing. i try to stock up on dishsoap and stuff, but I guess if I wouldn't be buying something (like several cereals..) I don't think I'm really saving. IDK I guess the whole thing also seems like a whole lot of work too :)
It is absolutely a stocking up thing! :o) I'm slowly building my pantry up, and some day I hope to get to the point where I am just buying fresh fruits and veggies and just sale items to maintain my stock pile.
And yes, for the most part, I only buy things that I would eat anyway. For example, even though we are working on cutting out as much processed foods as possible and foods with HFCS, food dye, etc. we are choosing to do it gradually (my husband more than I). So, some of the stuff I buy is only stuff my husband eats, so it goes in the pantry and he is all set for a while. A lot of the stuff I buy that I get for free or very near free I also give to my neighbor in exchange for mowing our lawn (this includes all drug items, like toothpaste, wash, etc. that aren't natural. We stick to only the natural stuff and give the rest away).
So, the short answer is yes, I am building up a stockpile. And it is making a big difference in our savings :o)
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