And while we do have another computer, it is an old and very slow desktop that is in the finished basement. Since the girls generally play upstairs, and I can't be in two places at once, that doesn't leave me much time to blog, read other people's blogs, etc. So, if I happen to disappear for a bit, you know why.
In the meantime, here are some updates:
~ I lost one pound this week, yay! Probably from all the running I do on my paper route.
~ I bought a bread maker and a smoothie maker off of Craigslist. I am so excited to make healthy bread, bagels, and smoothies for my family!
~ Yesterday the girls and I met up with friends and went to see a free movie at a local Regal Entertainment theatre. The girls were soo cute, bubbling with excitement over going to the movies! Afterwards we went to my friends house where they played the day away.
~ I signed the girls up for dance class. They are both in the same class, a 6 week series that runs one hour a week and teaches both ballet and tap. I picked up their ballet slippers yesterday and I'm picking up their leotards and tights this week. I am so excited to see them dance around, but a little wary about how the Guppy will do. She says she wants to take the class, but she is so much more shy and timid than the Mermaid, although I'm sure having the Mermaid in the class will help.
~ The Guppy has slowly started to use the potty. She asks at least twice a day and uses it successfully once a day. I'm completely letting her take the lead, only offering occasional encouragement and of course, praise when she does use it.
That's basically it for updates. Hopefully I will still be posting on a regular basis. :o)
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