Dear Mom,
You gave many things to me, but the ones that stick out in my mind is: my looks; my stubbornness; my passion; my ability to stick to my instincts and decisions, even while being questioned by others; my love of horses; my sense of fun and adventure; and my sense of humour.
Most importantly, you have given me so many memories that I can cherish. Some of them of just "snatches of love", bits and pieces that I remember from every day life: like the feel of your hands in my hair when you plaited it; the way you woke me up in the morning; the way you tucked me in at night, and the way your perfume would linger in the air long after you kissed me goodnight and closed the door.
I also have very specific memories of you that I cherish. Here are just a few of my favorites:
When I was in my first horse show and my pony, Romeo, bucked me off 30 seconds after I entered the ring. I remember that of all the people that rushed into the ring, you were the first one there. I also remember how angry you were at Romeo. And mostly, I remember your gentle words and touch, encouraging me to get "back in the saddle", which I did (although on a different pony. It was a long time before you would trust Romeo again).
When I would write my short stories, and you would love them, no matter how ridiculous they were. You encouraged me to enter that short story contest, and comforted me when I didn't win (they obviously didn't know a good sci fi story when they saw one!).
When I would come home from school crying because I was made fun of, or didn't make the softball team, you would just wrap your arms around me and let me cry. Then you would convince me how stupid they were.
Later, when I was older and on a bigger horse and entered jumping competitions, I would get mad that you couldn't watch me jump. You would encourage me and cheer for me, but you could never watch the jumping classes. Now that I'm a mom, and I've seen what happens to kids who fall off and get trampled during the jumping competitions, I totally get it.
When I would overhear you bragging about me to other people, telling them excitedly about my latest accomplishments. Now that I look back, I wonder if you let me "overhear" on purpose. Either way, it did wonders for my self-esteem, so thank you.
You are a strong, beautiful woman, one of my best friends, and the best mother one could ask for. Happy Mother's Day!
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