I was downstairs working on the computer and the girls were napping. Suddenly, The Guppy woke up with that cry, the one that every mother knows and instantly responds to, the one that makes your heart skip a beat and and your body go numb. Turns out she had a nightmare, and was too upset and crying too hard to say anything except to ask to nurse.
So we cuddled on the couch to nurse, and as her breathing slowed and her tears trickled away, my heart returned to normal and the adrenaline began to leave my body. I studied her face, kissing the beauty mark on her cheek and admiring her eyelashes, which are so long they seem to kiss her cheeks every time she blinks.
Why are people so eager to put pressure on kids to grow up? It begins at birth, with wanting to know if the baby sleeps through the night...then when the baby is going to roll/crawl/walk/talk...then when the toddler is going to potty train....when is the baby going to wean?
The Guppy needs me to be there for her, and that's fine with me. I need her just as much. She holds my heart and soul in her hands.
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