Our stroller is in the basement, covered in a fine layer of dust. And while we do have a wagon and a double stroller that I borrowed from a friend for those trips to the zoo and fairs, my preferred method of transporting my children is still in a sling or wrap or mai tei, on my back, front, side, whatever. Even at 2 1/2, the Guppy still loves to go on my back.
Even though babywearing is becoming more "popular", I still get the occasional odd look or comment when I'm out and about (less so now then before, but it still happens). So, when So Fawned gave her readers a heads up about this beautiful slide show, I couldn't help but share it with my readers.
So, sit back and enjoy this beautiful slide show of babywearing in indigenous cultures. I love the different varieties of carriers, and the beautiful and vibrant colors!
Thanks for the mention -- I just love that slideshow. So many gorgeous ways to wear.
What a great slideshow! Keeping our little ones close to us just feels right, and using a baby carrier makes it so easy to do.
I think this is very interesting. I know I would be doubled over in pain as my gal is pretty heavy to pick up never mind put on my back.
But this is fantastic for those who can do it and also for the children!
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