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Monday, February 26, 2007

Five Month Letter

Dearest Guppy,
Today you are five months old. No, wait, that can't be right....can it? September, October, November.....Oh my, that is right, you are five months old. I can't believe how big you are getting in such a short time! You are too young to be five months old already!

This month you have accomplished some milestones. You now roll easily from your back to your tummy. The first time you did it, I missed it, and walked back into the living room from the kitchen to find you on your tummy, so proud of yourself! But since you love rolling around, I've been able to watch you do it more than several times a day.

You also reach for everything within sight. If you can see it, you want to touch it, hold it, taste it. You are really good at grabbing things, turning them around, holding them just so. Your favorite toy to grab and hold is your duck rattle, and at times it is the only thing that will keep you from being fussy!

You've started to take increasing interest in your father. You've always been interested and fascinated with your sister, and it is so nice to see you show the same interest with your father. While I enjoy seeing you get to really know your father, it's nice that you still are a mommy's girl. I know that soon you will become as much as a Daddy's girl as your sister is, so I am enjoying every moment I can in this stage that you still prefer your mommy over everyone else.

You smile more. You laugh more. You try so hard to talk! You've gone beyond "ahhhhh" and "oooohhh" to forming the letter B, so now your favorite sound to make is "baaahhhhh". I call you my little lamb and you smile up at me, proud of your cute sounds!
I thank God every day that you are here in our lives. You make me smile, you make me laugh, you and your sister make me happy to be alive. I can't wait to see what this coming month brings, to see you bring even greater joy in our lives with each passing day. I love you, Guppy!


1 comment:

Staci said...

That baby girl is too cute!!!