The waves begin. Small at first, then building. They start in the back of the head, rush to the front and briefly subside before the next wave of pain starts.
Lights become too bright. Sounds become too loud. I am no longer able to focus, barely able to function. My daughter laughs, wanting me to come color with her. But her laughter sounds unbearable to me, and I cannot come color. Instead, I turn on the TV for her, low volume, give the Guppy a couple of rattles to play with, and lay on the couch with a blanket over my head.
I miss out on so much during these times.
I've had a migraine every single night this week so far. Every single night. My mother gets migraines, my sister gets migraines, and so do I. I haven't had one since the beginning of my pregnancy with the Guppy, and I thought maybe they had gone away for good. No such luck.
I've tried increasing caffeine, cutting caffeine out, going to be earlier, going to bed later, yoga, changing my diet, pain meds, meditation, pressure points, even praying.
Thank heavens for the Knight, who every night this week has taken care of the girls, cooked dinner and cleaned the house. Without him I would've been overwhelmed.
So, anyone have any good remedies for migraines?
I truly feel for you! I did not have a single migraine while was pregnant and (what seemed like) the minute I gave birth they came back. Last June I had vascular surgery; where they removed my first rib and an extra muscle to release a pinched artery and nerve. Since then I have seen a major improvement in my migraines. Before I was getting them three or more times a week, now I usually only get one or two a month, right before my period. This may be too much information but I just wanted you to be aware that there could be an underlying medical problem. Now don’t run out and get surgery but I would highly recommend seeing a neurologist and getting an MRI or your head and neck. Just a thought! I truly feel for you. I hope you get better soon!! Warmly, Colleen, author of Near Mama's Heart, a children's book about breastfeeding.
Have you seen the doctor for your migraines? My husband has them so severe that they make him vomit. If you haven't tried it, ask your doc about has helped my husband. You take it when you first feel it coming on, and it stops it, or at least makes it much milder. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.
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