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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Easter Celebration

Our Easter was pretty good this year. After the morning basket raid and egg hunt, we headed over to the IL's for dinner, followed by dessert at my aunt's house. It was nice being able to catch up with the fam.

My Mom's birthday happened to fall on Easter this year so we had two reasons to celebrate. Being the crazy woman that she is, she decided to dress up as a bunny for the day. She had a lot of fun hopping and chasing the Mermaid around the house!

The girls got a lot of neat stuff: clothes, a tiny bit of sugar free candy, bubbles, toys, etc. The Mermaid had a blast looking for Easter eggs! The video is a little long and poorly shot, but I really wasn't feeling well when I was shooting it (and you can tell, you can hear me sniffling on the video....nice).


1 comment:

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I LOVE IT! Dressing up like a bunny. Who does that? Awesome!
