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Saturday, April 07, 2007

Fantastic Friday: But it's Saturday!

I've been really slacking this week with posting in this blog. I've tried, but I've had a pretty hectic week. Then yesterday, on my day off, we all catch the stomach bug. So I was busy picking up vomit and treating the Guppy and the Mermaid and I didn't get a chance to post Fantastic Friday.

Weight: For my future MILF post, I maintained. A little disappointed about that. In fact, lately I've been very frustrated. It didn't take this long to lose the weight on WW after the Mermaid was born! What gives? Total weight loss: 12.5 lbs.

House: Pretty much a mess. I'm barely managing to stay on top of my routines and the laundry. *sigh* FlyLady would be so disappointed.

Finances: This is the one good area this week. We finished Step 1 of the Total Money Makeover and we are moving on to Step 2, yay!

Environment: Eh. Compact Life is pretty much out the window right now with Easter shopping. Hopefully I can jump back into it soon.

The thing is, I've pretty much been in a rut all week. Adjusting to working is hard. I've just been feeling "blah" allll the time. What gives? Please send good thoughts and prayers that I can get out of this rut soon!

1 comment:

mama k said...

Hope you can find some ballence soon.