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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Facing Reality

I'm finally facing reality. I changed my blog's header and About Me to reflect the girls' real ages. I officially no longer have a "baby" in the house. But that will change next year when the Knight and I begin to TTC ;o)

We already have the names picked out for our next baby :o)

One Year Old Letter

To My Dearest Guppy,

Wow. One year old. How amazing is that? It's truly astonishing how much you have grown in developed this past year. And it is even more astonishing how much you have impacted our family in such a short time.

In this past year, you have taught me so many things. You have taught me Joy: You arrival into this world was the best birth experience I could hope for. I still feel as though I am on a birth high from that single experience; thank you for teaching me how to empower myself through my natural abilities as a woman.

The Guppy, One Minute Old

You have also taught me patience: While the Mermaid was a very quiet and independent child, you adore constant contact with either me or your father. You love to be held. And while we adore holding you, it took a while for us to learn patience and appreciate the fact that you love to be held so much. Now that you are not teething as much and are more independent, I find myself missing that constant contact and I'm glad that I was able to develop the patience necessary to wear or hold you almost all the time without complaint.

You have also taught me to prioritize. Reading my email is not as important as playing with you and your sister, and you were very vocal on letting me know that. Eating ice cream was not as important as avoiding dairy so that your eczema would not come back. And cleaning the house? Definitely not as important as a good long nursing and cuddling in the recliner. Thank you for those moments.

The Guppy three months old

Lately you have come to understand so much that I think of you as older than one. You have five signs that you know. You shake your "no" or nod it "yes" when I ask you certain questions. Your funny butt scootch is so close to turning into standing up that I have my video camera charged and nearby to catch that moment. You pull yourself up. You love to race after the Mermaid down the hallways. You love puzzles. You play pass with the ball. You point to things that you want. You adore your father, your sister, your Aunt Stacie, and me. And while you are enjoying so much the freedom of crawling around and exploring, you also love to engage in a few quiet nursing sessions each day.

You are so calm and easygoing, the Knight and I feel as though we can take you anywhere....and we do. You are so patient with your older sister when she gets a little too excited and rough with you, never reacting with anger. You hair is still light blond but your eyes are turning brown. You now have at least four teeth. And playing with your sister is your absolute favorite activity.

I love your chubby cheeks and legs. I love the way you look when you are drunk on my milk. I love watching you sleep. I love the way you play with your belly button. I love the cute way you sign. I love how you feel comfortable in any one's arms. I love the way you snuggle up to me at night. I love the way you watch your sister, your eyes filled with wonder and awe. I love the way that nothing scares you, you are always calm and serene. I love the look you give me when you want me to pick you up, no one can resist it. I love the way you are so chubby you fit into your sister's clothes and makes getting you dressed so much easier. I love how you are willing to try any new food that I give you. I love that you still enjoy being worn in the Mai Tei on my back. I love the cute way you get mad when the Mermaid steals your toys. I love how you are so expressive of your feelings.

I love how you are so sweet, so adorable, so calm and serene. I love you with every fiber of my heart and soul and this past year has been the best year of our lives.

I am so incredibly excited to see what the coming year is going to bring. There are going to be so many positive changes happening for our little family and I am overjoyed that you are here with us to experience it. I can't wait to see your first steps, watch you develop and grow into a toddler.

Happy Birthday, dear Guppy. We all love you so much.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

This Girl is Fearless

Yesterday the Knight and I took the girls to a large local fair, the Big E. The Big E is something we look forward to every year, and this year was the first year that the Mermaid was old enough to go on the kiddie rides. The Mermaid is absolutely fearless and went on all the rides she could, and wanted to do them by herself. We all had a really good time, the girls especially.
Biker chick!
Love that smile!
Monster Truck
The Guppy and I
The Knight and the Guppy
The Mermaid on the "Mary Poppins Ride!"
The Knight and the Mermaid.
The Guppy with my SIL
The Mermaid going down the Super Slide with the Knight

I went down the Super Slide with the Mermaid as well, and let me tell you, that slide is fast and fun!! I also went on one "adult" ride with my SIL and it has been sooo long since I've been on a ride, I was surprised at how nervous I was. But it was all in good fun!
We also stopped for a bit to watch the horse show, particularly the jumping classes. The Guppy really got excited when she saw the horses, I couldn't believe it! Maybe we have a future equestrian in our midst? ;o)


New Business Blog

A couple of times I have mentioned that I started a second home based business besides my upcoming Doula business. I've gotten a few emails asking what it is so I decided to start a blog about it. You can read about my journey here:

My Business Blog

Feel free to comment!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Blog Rush

I recently joined Blog Rush. It's a great way to increase traffic to your blog. If you would like to add your blog, you can join here.

Sunny Days

Now that the days are cooler and I don't have to worry about heat stroke, the girls and I have been spending a lot of time outside. These were taken yesterday. It was gorgeous out!


Sunday Night, 11:30pm

When kids won't's camera time!!!!


Monday, September 17, 2007

Book Review: Mama Knows Breast

Nowadays, you can find a lot of books with information on breastfeeding on the market. But if you are a really busy mom with no time to read a lot of books and process a ton of information, or if you have a newborn and really don't have the time to search through extensive information to find what you are looking for, then I highly recommend Andi Silverman's Mama Knows Breast: A Beginner's Guide to Breastfeeding.I found Siverman's book to be a really fun and compact book on breastfeeding. The illustrations are fun and chic, and the book is compact and light enough for you to just toss into your purse or diaper bag and read on the go. This is great for the busy mom or the new mom, who is too tired or overwhelmed to research breastfeeding online or turn to other, more extensive books. Don't let the size of the book fool you though; although it is compact, it is full of great information about the basics of breastfeeding that every mom should know, and the back of the book contains a great list of resources for moms to turn to if they desire more information.
So, let me tell you about a few of the things I really liked about Silverman's book:
- It doesn't set up unrealistic expectations for moms who are thinking about breastfeeding. Silverman lets the readers know that breastfeeding is not all bliss and smiles; it is hard and there are a few challenges a mom can face. But, at the same time, she clearly lets her readers know that once you get past the challenges it is soo worth it.
- From the Mouths of Moms: throughout the book Silverman inserts little paragraphs of quotes from moms about breastfeeding. It was really interesting to read other mom's views on breastfeeding and mothering in itself.
- Mama Data: Did you know that The Ancient Greeks say that the Milk Way was created through breastfeeding? I do, thanks to Silverman's inserts throughout the book entitled Mama Data, a great collection of trivia and facts concerning breastfeeding.
- Silverman devotes an entire chapter to how Dads can get involved. This is especially important to ward off those comments about how Dad "won't be able to bond because he can't feed the baby."

- Silverman's list of suggestive comebacks to people who make rude comments about you breastfeeding can fit with any personality.

There were a few things about the book that I would like to see change. The first is that Silverman seems to suggest that a baby will be ready to be sleep trained as early as three months old. Training a baby that young is not recommended, even by the so called sleep training experts themselves! I think what mothers need to remember is that there is no "set age" in which babies will magically begin to sleep through the night. It really is up to the child. The Mermaid slept through the night starting at four weeks old. The Guppy still isn't sleeping through the night and she turns one this month. Get the picture?
A second thing that I would like to see change is where Silverman mentions co sleeping. She states:
But be careful. There's a serious risk that a baby could suffocate or get hurt.
If the parents choose to co sleep and take all the necessary precautions, the risk of suffocation or injury is extremely minimal. In fact, co sleeping can be safer for the child than crib sleeping.
And finally, the third thing I would like to see changed is that Silverman states that in developed countries, "formula-feeding is considered a viable alternative to breastfeeding." Well.....I tend to disagree with this one. One is a living, natural source packed with all the antibiotics and other elements that is essential for baby's development while the other is a dead, manufactured source that is made with the cheapest oil available. Although I do see her point in that formula feeding is safer in developed countries than in developing countries, in my opinion it is not a viable alternative.
All in all, I would recommend this book to any busy mom and pregnant mom who want to know the basics of breastfeeding. It's a great place to start on their journey of knowledge through motherhood.


The Next Step, Part II

Remember this post?

Well, after writing it the Knight and I talked it over and we decided that it is important for me to follow my heart and embark on a career that would satisfy me as a person.

I am so incredibly lucky to have a husband that encourages me to follow my dreams and is even willing to make sacrafices in order to get me started.

The Knight and I slowly set aside some money and when we had enough, I signed up for a Doula training course. It's a series of four Saturdays where I go for all day to learn the art of being a Doula. My first class was this past Saturday.

It was amazing.

I tell ya, I was still a little unsure. Was it worth the money we were paying? We could use the money towards the down payment on a house instead. But the Knight convinced me that we had made the right decision and so I went. And I came home glowing.

What a difference it is just to be surrounded all day by women who feel the same way you do about certain things, who share your same values and dreams. At the same time, the diversity within the small group was astounding. We had widows, divorcees, SAHM, career women, women who had c-sections, women who had home births, women who loved their epidurals, women who had abortions, women who were pro life; all of these different backgrounds and experiences were present in this one room. What I loved the most was that instead of these differences creating a conflict with each other, we were all completely open to learning from these different experiences and using it to our advantage. I know I learned a lot from these women and I am hoping they learned something from me. The class instructor is wonderful as well; she is a midwife (it's rare for a midwife to give training to doulas so it's really great that we get the chance to learn from her) and so open and understanding and was an awesome teacher.

My next class is this Saturday and I can't wait. Between becoming a Doula and launching my other home based business, life is looking pretty good right now...and I get to share it with my kids ;o)

Breastfeeding is Offensive?

Mojo of a Mama has an excellent post on her blog that really reiterates the absurdness of people believing that breastfeeding is offensive. Especially in our culture, where breasts are thrown up on every billboard and advertisement space there is. Head on over and take a peek at what she's got, it's great.

Is This For Real?

Jennifer over at The Lactivist recently gave her readers a heads up on the worst baby product ever created.

The Wet Baby Dipper Alarm is a product that sets off an alarm whenever your baby wets its diaper. From the site:
Attach this device to a baby's diaper to detect wetness. When the baby wets the diaper, the alarm's CMOS chip immediately gives out music to alert you to change the diaper. Helps to keep baby clean and dry.Tidybeer shown here is a option shown as a attachment seperately.
Hmmmm....first of all, can anyone else see the real potential dangers in such a product? And second of all, if you are too busy to check and see if your baby needs a diaper change, or if you get too distracted every day to remember to change your child's diaper, then you need to get your priorities straight.

Geez. Who the hell would buy such a thing? And for $24.00!?! And let's not forget, the attachable stuffed animal is optional.

No words, I tell ya. No words...


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Babies in the Workplace

What a great idea.

I was recently given the heads up for a fantastic project that is underway. It's called Babies in the Workplace and it is a proposal to businesses to allow parents to bring their babies with them to work for the early months.

The project is being headed by Carla Moquin, a mom from MA. Moquin's goal is to spread the word about Babies in the Workplace and to encourage businesses to initiate their own Babies in the Workplace policies.

The web site is a wealth of information. You can find a list of businesses that already allow babies in the work place (Mothering Magazine is mentioned with 24 babies!); benefits of such a program to the family, business, and society as a whole; tips for implementing such a program at your workplace; and other tips and quotes as well. You can also request a kit to help implement the program where you work.

Moquin is always looking to speak to parents about their working situation, whether they are allowed to bring their babies to work or whether they would like to try to implement the program at their workplace. She is also available for speaking engagements and consultations about the program. And be sure to stop by and read her fantastic blog, Working With Kids.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

This is Absurd

I recently read an article that made me very angry.

Recently the Federal Office on Women's Health developed a campaign to educate women about the importance of breastfeeding. The campaign included ads that warned mothers about the risks of formula feeding.

In comes the formula companies. Through pressure and lobbying, they were able to "tone down" the ads to the point where the message of the risks of formula is lost completely. From the article:

The campaign included hard-hitting ads, such as one featuring an asthma puffers that looked like a bottle of formula, warning, "babies who aren't breastfed are up to 250% more likely to suffer respiratory diseases."The formula industry fought the ads, bringing in powerful lobbyists, such as Clayton Yeutter, who served as agriculture secretary during the administration of George H.W. Bush.
Carmona was removed from the campaign and political appointees were brought in to drop the ads in favor of toned down messages. "Babies are born to be breastfed," one ad states simply.
In 2004 letters obtained by the Post, Yeutter and other lobbyists thanked then-HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson for his staff's action to eliminate "the most egregious distortions" aimed at "scaring expectant mothers into breast-feeding."
Meanwhile, breastfeeding rates have actually decreased.
The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is investigating the allegations of political meddling in public health concerns.

Yes, the ads were blunt. But, I think the bluntness of these ads is good. I would never, ever tiptoe around the truth in order to keep someone from feeling guilty, especially when I believe that no one can make you feel guilty except for yourself. If you knew a family member who was extremely obese to the point where they were in danger of serious health complications or death, would you tiptoe around the facts in order to spare their feelings? I would hope not. I would hope that you would do your best to present the facts and educate them so that they can make their own informed decision. The same goes with breastfeeding.

With that in mind:

Fact: Formula feeding comes with risks to the baby and mother.

People, this has been shown over and over again in thousands of studies. There is no disputing this information, this is a fact. I am not saying this to "make" formula feeding moms feel guilty. I am simply stating a fact. What you do with this information is your choice, but I would hope you would use it to you and your baby's advantage.

Fact: Breastfeeding is not "beneficial", it is normal and essential for baby's health.

You've heard it before. Babies were born to be breastfed. Have you stopped and thought about it? They are meant to have breastmilk from their mother. Nature intended for babies to be held close to their mother and nurse from their breasts. This, again, has been shown in countless studies. How is this not an obvious thing to most people? Did you know a newborn's eyesight is designed to focus at a certain distance, which allows the baby to focus on it's mother's face as he or she nurses? Did you know that a baby's immune system is not fully developed when he or she is born, and that breastmilk contains all the essential elements needed to complete that development? Did you know that if a baby is born through a natural, drug free birth and is then placed on the mother's stomach, he or she will crawl to the mother's breast out of instinct? Did you know that only less than 2% of mother's cannot physically breastfeed? That means that 98% can physically breastfeed. And yet many choose not to.

Now, please understand, I am not trying to bash formula feeding moms. I sincerely believe that it is not the mothers who are the "problem" here, it is the attitude that exists in this country around breastfeeding. The system itself needs to change. Doctors are only giving minutes of "training" on breastfeeding, and then it is followed by a long discussion of the different types of formulas. Family members criticize the new mother for breastfeeding, telling her to give the baby a bottle, that the baby isn't gaining enough weight, that the baby is too old to nurse, etc. No wonder so many women choose not to breastfeed, and of those who do, many wean their child before the recommended minimum of one year. This absolutely must change if we want the breastfeeding rates in this country to rise. Doctors must be given more training on the importance of breastfeeding, and they must not be continually faced with promotions from formula companies. Lactation Consultants need to be on call at all pediatric offices, or at least available to the doctor's patients in some way. Women need to support each other with breastfeeding, especially in the first few weeks. Partners need to support each other. Women must be educated and supported. Again, women must be educated and supported.

Women must be educated and supported.

There are cases where formula is appropriate. For example, I know a few women who are on medication where nursing would not be safe. I just disagree with the overuse of formula in this country and the misconception that it is just as good as breastmilk that is passed along for the sake of putting even more money in the pocket of the formula companies. I disagree with the fact that you can buy formula over the counter yet need a prescription to get breastmilk from a bank. I disagree with the fact that women who wish to breastfeed are given erroneous information that leads them to formula feed, such as their milk not being "good enough" or that their milk "won't come in" and such.

However, since we live in a society in which breastfeeding is not accepted and embraced as it should be, it is now up to us moms to change that. Breastfeed your children. Don't give up just because someone tells you that your milk isn't enough, or that the baby isn't getting enough, etc. I was told that repeatedly. I went and researched what the doctor said on my own, and guess what? He was wrong. Get support. If you can't get it from your family and friends, get it somewhere else. Go to a La Leche League meeting. Get the numbers of local lactation consultants to have on hand in case problems arise. Read books, do research, and educate yourself. Changes are not going to come from the government, or from the medical field. They have to come from us.

Celebrities and Baby Wearing

Celebrity Baby Blog has a really page up of pictures of celebrities wearing their babies. Stop by and check it out to see celebrities such as Namoi Watts, Julia Roberts, and Gwen Stefani keeping their babies close and secure in really fashionable baby slings!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Birthday Celelbration, Part II

Saturday we had a combined birthday party for both girls. The Mermaid turned three on September 3rd and the Guppy will be turning one on September 26th.

The party was a hit. Although half the people didn't show up, everyone still had a blast. We rented one of those huge bouncy things, which the Mermaid got an absolute kick out of.

In the end, it was good that not everyone showed up. It took two car trips just to get all the gifts home. That's a lot of gifts! My family is so supportive of our parenting choices, and it really showed in the gifts that they brought for the girls. They knew I was concerned about the toy recalls, so they tried their best to buy wooden natural toys, clothes, and books. My MIL and FIl even got the Guppy some wooden blocks and other wooden toys that are certified as being lead free. How cool is that?

The Mermaid also got a school desk from her MIL and FIL. She loves it. I think this kid is going to be great in homeschooling ;o)
So, all in all, a great birthday for both girls this year. You'll notice that my blog header still says that I am a mommy of a two year old and a newborn. It might stay that way for a while. Hey, this is my virtual world, and if my kids won't stay little in the real world, I'll settle for this one ;o)
The past couple weeks leading up to the party have been so incredibly busy, not to mention the fact that I am working on my new home based business. Which, so far, I love doing. So those are the reasons for my lack of posts. This week I have to concentrate on my business and cleaning out all the girls' old toys to make room for the new ones! We're also house hunting right now, so if I disappear for a few days again, have no fear, I will return when things calm down a little bit! :o)


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A Birthday Celebration in Pictures

The girls' birthday party is on Saturday, but we decided to have a special family celebration with the Mermaid on Monday. We took her to Chuck E Cheese's and she had a ball!

Driving a monster truck

Giddy up!
Yes, I let my child cheat. ;o)

Look Mommy, I'm Flying!
The Guppy had a lot of fun as well
Virtual Roller Coaster
Got it in!

Yo, what's up?
The Birthday Princess
Riding on "The Mary Poppins Ride!"
Isn't she adorable?

And my favorite....
Really not quite sure what she was doing in this picture, but it cracks me up every time I see it!
