Today you are four months old. You are so big, 17lbs already! Your little rolls and chubby cheeks are so cute and adorable. You are so strong, you continually try to sit up and roll over, and you almost can! You're neck control is also very good, and you love to sit up straight so you can look around at observe your environment.
This month you have shown your sense of humor, always smiling and starting to laugh. You're smile beams when we go to pick you up, you're so happy just being held. You hate to be left alone in a room and you are happiest when in the middle of a group, such a social butterfly!
You love to play with your sister. When she comes over to you, to tickle you or give you a kiss, your face just lights up. In the evenings when you are sitting on my lap your gaze always follows her movements, watching her as she goes about her adventures. I can tell already that you girls will love to play together, just like your auntie and I always did.
You love to reach for things. If I place a toy next to you, you will roll on your side to grasp it, to feel the textures, to take it all in. You spend a lot of time during the day staring at your hands, flexing your fingers and discovering how they work. You love to grasp my fingers in your hands and pull them apart, experiment with how they move, or just to be in physical contact with someone whom you know adores you.

You have brought so much joy to our lives these past four months, I can't believe how fast you are growing. When I look at your eyes, I can see you talking through them. Your eyes tell me when you are concentrating, when you are trying to figure something out, when you understand something (oh how they light up!), when you are hungry or when you are just tired. I'm so excited to see what the coming months will bring, what your first word will be, your first time rolling over completely, your first steps. I thank God every day that I am able to stay home with you and witness you as you learn more and more about life each day. I feel proud in seeing that you know that you are loved, that you are surrounded by people you love at all hours, and that you are never alone. Never forget, we will always be here for you. We love you.
1 comment:
Check out those cheeks! What a cutie.
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