Weight: As part of the Future MILF program, I have to post weight I lost this week and total weight lost. Drum roll, please.....this week I lost......1lb. As you recall, last week I didn't lose any but didn't gain any either, and I figured it was due to the fact that I wasn't following my WW points too well and eating constantly because the Guppy was nursing so much. Well this week the Guppy continued to nurse, and I continued to eat, but I tried to reach for healthier foods when I could. And I also picked up on my exercising. So, I'm happy with the 1lb weight loss, and since I'm nursing, that's the safe amount to lose each week anyway. This brings my total weight loss to 9lbs in 10 weeks. Another fantastic thing about my exercising is that I do a lot of toning exercises, so although I didn't lose much weight, the Knight says I definitely look more toned and thinner. Fantastic!
The house: thanks to FlyLady, this one is actually easy. As long as I get all my routines done, my house stays "guest-ready cleaned". In fact, the morning after my mom came home from London, she looked around the house and asked, "Who are you having over?"
"Um....no one"
"Oh....then why is the house so clean?"
This week I managed to work on some decluttering, so my bathroom is fully decluttered and my kitchen is halfway there. Thank you, FlyLady.
Finances: After much discussion, the Knight and I thought that the best option for us right now is to go on a Debt Management Plan. I checked out the best programs and took some recommendations and the best one seems to be Money Management International, a non-profit organization that helps people get out of debt. After a counseling session, where they explained the ins and outs of the program, we have decided to start filling out the paperwork to sign up. If we had kept up our pattern of paying our debt as we had been, it would have taken us 34 years. On this program, paying the minimum payment, it will take us 4.5 years and they will save us over $22,000 in interest charges, not to mention late fees. I've also started teaching myself the ins and outs of the Knights retirement plan. After all, if we are going to depend on this money when we retire, it would help if we knew how the program worked. I've also looked into other books that I want to get from the library on how to save money and make your money work for you.
Finally, the environment. Sadly, this one is the area I am slacking in. Although I am still living the Compact Life and haven't bought anything new, we still haven't set up our recycling center. I also haven't gotten around to making cloth paper towels, dishcloths, and nursing pads, so we've still been using those disposable products. Hopefully this weekend I will get some time to sit down and complete those projects.
Well, that's it for this week's Fantastic Friday. Not bad considering I had two sick kids to take care of, one of which would not let me put her down at all (thank you Ellaroo Wrap!).
WOW I am so impressed with all the changes you are working on at once, makes my head spin just a little bit. Congrats on your weight loss!
I'm still impressed by the compact living goals!
I have some pretty cloth napkins I bought years ago and I have been making an effort to use them everyday instead of paper. To phase out the paper towels I have a stack of wipes I made while preggo that aren't cute enough for my stash now. LOL So they are in the rag box.
Hope the girls feel better soon!
You lost a half pound more than I did this week. Good job fellow future MILF!
Congrats baby!
Congrats on the weight loss! Sounds like you are getting your life in order! Keep up the good work!
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