So, any lurkers out there: comment, comment, comment. Let me know where you hail from. Let me know how you found my blog. Let me know I actully have readers. And let me know if you have a blog, I love finding new blogs :o)
So come on people, make me feel loved! Comment away!
Ok I'll leave a comment! I'm Rachel- I use to have a breastfeeding journal on aol- do you remember? :) I have an 18 month old Rowan. I followed you over here, but I don't have a blog. I guess I will try to leave you comments more :)
Just found your blog through Adventures in Babywearing! Thought I'd say hello!
Hey there! Not really a lurker, just not a big commenter. It always feels good when you know you have readers though.
I'm lurking - found you thru natural birthers, and your birth sotries page. Wonderful story of your home birht by the way.
I'm a SAHCEOM to 3 DD"S willow, Ava and Haleigh Grace
My myspace is
- I think
I have a few blogs on cloth diapering and BF.
Nice to "meet" you
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