Weight: For the Future MILF post, I have to post weight lost this week. Well, once again, I didn't lose any weight but I didn't gain any either. Now I am very frustrated at myself. I have enough will power to get my butt out of bed at 5:30am to exercise for one hour, but not enough will power to say No to the bag of Doritos that was sitting on top of our fridge. Was being the correct word, since I ate the whole bag. Of course, I felt really shitty and gross afterwards, and hopefully the memory of that feeling will keep me from doing that again. My problem is not exercise, my problem is sticking to my WW's points. I really need to crack down and make sure I write everything down and don't go over my point budget. I really hope I do better this week.
The House: again, thanks to FlyLady, this one is easy breezy. This week I spent 15 minutes a day decluttering my closet. Donated all my high school clothes, including my size 5 jeans (yeah, like I'll ever fit into those again!) but kept my size 7 jeans (hey, a girl can hope, can't she?). There's actually a lot of room in my closet now. And my house is still guest ready clean.
Finances: Well, the Knight and I kind of changed routes with this one. Last week I posted that we were going to go on a debt management plan. Well, we changed our minds. Seems that if you try to get a mortgage after going on one of these plans, they treat you as if you had filed bankruptcy. So, we borrowed Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover from the library and we are going to follow his simple yet difficult to do program. Simple to understand, difficult to do because it means a lot of sacrifices, like no new van. Hopefully, in March, I'll be posting about how we are making great strides in paying off our debt.
Finally, the environment. Sadly, we are still slacking in this area. We still haven't gotten our recycling act together. However, I've still been following the Compact Life with two exceptions: materials for making things such as yarn and PUL, and a bridesmaid's dress for my best friend's wedding. Because really, I don't think she'd be too happy if I tried to buy a used bridesmaid's dress, and I can't blame her. I'm almost done knitting a cotton dishcloth, so no more icky sponges. And this Sunday I plan on going on a sewing frenzy and sewing up some cloth nursing pads, cloth paper towels, and cloth diapers to cut back on our disposables. I've also been reading this great blog about a family's decision to downsize, called Changing Rhythm.
So, all in all, not a great week. I hope this week to do better. Encouraging comments are welcomed, I sure need them!
Dollface, I'm big-time proud of you and your man for reading up on Dave Ramsey's plan. Work hard at it, and you'll deep-six your debt forever. Thanks for spreading the word about Dave and debt-freedom, baby! www.debtective.com
I have also read the Dave Ramsey book. I will be very curious to see if you are able to adhere to its strict guidelines. I loved the ideas, but we struggled to actually DO it. Maybe your successes will motivate me!
Hey, at least you did not gain any weight! I can so relate to your struggle with junk. I am a junk food junkie. I am presently grieving its departure from my life! Good luck this week.
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