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Monday, August 31, 2009

What They Say on Co-Sleeping

Its been said that 80% of parents co-sleep in some way or form. They just don't admit it out of fear of being ridiculed and/or criticized.

Yes, people do say a lot about co-sleeping. Does that matter?

I think not. And here's why.



Nicolemiko said...

awesome! My little girl is almost three too and still co-sleeping and breastfeeding. And now we've got her little 6 month brother in the bed as well. The Family Bed is so amazing! I totally related to your API article. Love it.

Like you stated so perfectly! I doesn't matter what "they" say.

Andrea said...

Great article, and a great site. Thanks for turning me onto it! I look forward to looking through it some more.

nicoz said...

i agree and i leave u a comment on APinternational blog! :))))

Summer said...

Aww, so sweet! My middle moved to his own bed at about 2, but luckily I'm not too lonely with a new baby curled up beside me. There's just something about waking up to a smiling face that makes for a beautiful day.

Michele said...

We should have co-slept with B from day one, but stupidly listened to experts. We realized our mistake when he was about 7 months old, he moved in bed with us, and our whole family dynamic changed for the better.

We co-slept with Shea from day one - despite the scolding from the hospital pediatricians and many of the nurses.

I never mentioned it to our pedi, because who sleeps in my bed is really no one else's business.

Unknown said...

Toby starts out in his own bed and joins us 95% of the time sometime during the night. I love waking up with him, but like going to bed with just hubby (well, and usually kitty too). It's what works for us, "they" can say what they want!