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Friday, August 28, 2009

And So, I Run

I'm on week 3 of the Couch to 5K program and I am feeling great. I can walk up the stairs now without getting out of breathe. I have more energy. My pants are loose. Life is good.

Plus, there's something so peaceful about running in the early morning. I actually look forward to it. Being alone, sans kids, watching the sun come up as I run, feeling the early morning mist on my face...definitely my new favorite way of recharging my batteries.

There are a couple of parks in my area with tracks, but I find that I love to go up to my old high school and run in their football field. The grass gets my feet wet, but it is so peaceful up there on the hill, with the windmill to keep me company. I just had to take some pictures:

So, to all those people who told me how fun and relaxing and great running is, you were so right.
And so, I run.


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