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Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Quiet

It doesn't come every day, but when it does, it is usually right after breakfast. The girls run off to play on their own, and the kitchen is transformed into my own private sanctuary, my time for finding inspiration in a book, writing in my private journal, or knitting. And always, a cup of tea.


This Quiet feeds my soul. And while most days it lasts longer, on some it is so fleeting and quick, and not a word is written or a stitch stitched before my loves come running back downstairs.

Quiet 2

So fleeting, but it is enough. Because after, after there will be art and homeschooling and games and playdates...but these precious moments of Quiet? They are mine and mine alone to treasure.

You Capture: Quiet.



T.J. said...

Love the tone of these photos! So peaceful and.well, quiet! Happy You Capture :)

ToadMama said...

Gorgeous. I love the sepia tones. Both shots convey quiet extremely well. I must admit, "Bf'ing Mother" had me scratching my head. I was thinking I'd see a new and creative use of the F word. (-:

Jen said...

Beautiful post!

Melodie said...

I love my quiet times too. I like watching the kids play through the kitchen window while I sip my tea and read my blogs.

Pamela Gold said...

Quiet is so hard to come by when you've got kids running around. Mine usually comes around this very hour, 9:30PM. Catching up on my blogs tonight... Can't wait to grab my book and curl up under the blankets and "get lost".

followingtheroad said...

I love the black and white. It really makes these photos so restful. Thanks for sharing and thank you for stopping by my blog today.

Happy capturing!

Upstatemamma said...

Don't ya just love the few moments of quiet?