I sat down to redo it and I did what I usually did, focusing the entire page on the girls and adding pictures of them, etc. Then I decided to add pictures of just the Knight and I, without the girls. But....I couldn't find any. Well, I did find some. But they were from our wedding and our honeymoon. That was over a year ago.
This is what made me realize that my dear Knight very often gets overlooked. The Knight is my best friend, my soul mate, the love of my life. He is a terrific father. After working all day, he comes home and asks if the girls need diaper changes (usually yes), whether I need help with dinner (usually no), and how my day was. After praising my cooking to the skies (even though he hates beans and I'm on a bean kick right now) he helps me clean up the dishes and the kitchen and puts the girls to bed. He compliments me, makes me feel sexy, makes me laugh. He always puts himself last. And today I realized that I take all that for granted.
I feel like the Knight and I need to reconnect. How can it be that we haven't even had our picture taken together in over a year? We're so busy taking care of the kids that we haven't stopped to take care of each other in a long time. Don't get me wrong, we have a great marriage. We rarely fight. But sometimes, I wonder....is that necessarily good? Do we rarely fight because we have a great marriage, or because we are so focused on the children that we have nothing to fight about?
I don't want the Knight and I to drift apart. I want us to feel like a couple again. I want us to be giddy when we're around each other. I want us to have a conversation that doesn't involve the word "baby", "poop" or "diaper".
I hope, I dream, I act...
When I get my first paycheck, I will cash it and keep it saved. Then I will make a reservation at a great restaurant. I will have my mom watch the kids. We will have a romantic dinner. We will hold hands. I will ask him about his day, how he is feeling. We will not talk about poop, potty, diapers, or toys. We will talk about each other, about our future, about how we are going to grow old together.
We will reconnect.
And I will have the waitress take our picture. Just the two of us.

Sounds like a great plan! : )
It is soooo easy to loose the husband/wife relationship in all the daddy/mommy responsibilities.
It is so easy to let things slip...after 26 years of marriage I know how hard it can be to stay connected, even in a good marriage. We seldom are in the smae picture, though, because usually one of us is taking it!
By the way, I posted a picture of me nursing my 4 year and 11 month
old on my blog and got only positive responses. :-)
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