Being the early riser in the family, the Mermaid is usually already awake when the Guppy wakes up. When she hears the Guppy wake, she tries to beat me to the room so that she can be the first to greet the Guppy, with a "Good morning sweetie, did you sleep okay?". I kid you not, she calls the Guppy "sweetie".
She's always making sure the Guppy isn't too warm or too cold, asking her if she is hungry or needs a drink, etc. Yesterday was another good example. Whenever we go to the Mermaid's gymnastics class, she always insists on packing a bag of toys for the Guppy to play with while she is in the class. Yesterday, the Guppy had taken a early nap and slept through lunch, and I had to wake her up to leave for the gymnastics class. I remembered to throw in some snacks into my purse for the Guppy to eat since she missed lunch. Imagine my surprise when I opened up the backpack that the Mermaid packed for the Guppy as usual, and discovered that not only did she pack toys for the Guppy to play with, but she also packed two bananas and a sippy cup of water. Somehow, she realized that the Guppy had slept through lunch and wanted to make sure she wouldn't go hungry!
To those moms with more than one children: do your children surprise you in any way with how they treat each other? I'd love to hear your stories!
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