I think we should cut cable. My argument is that: we don't watch it that much anyway, especially with the warmer weather coming up; what few shows we do watch are available online, most of the time the day after the scheduled air time; it's better for the girls, because they won't be exposed to so many commercials; and finally, between the internet, library, and Netflix, we will always have something to watch.
The Knight wants to keep the cable. His argument: he thinks we watch more television than I realize; and he wants to watch the sports games (which I haven't been able to find online. Anyone have any links they can send?).
So, we made a deal. If I and the girls can go two weeks without watching cable TV, then he will seriously consider cutting it. It's day three, and I must say, it's been a lot easier than I thought. On Monday I went to the library and stocked up on some videos for the girls, so they have those to watch, but for the most part...they haven't asked. I am really surprised at how easily they accepted that the TV was "broken".
As for me, although I'm a little miffed that I have to wait 8 days to watch House (What's up with that, Fox? You're the only channel that won't put the shows up the next day!), I'm happy that I'm getting good use of my Netflix and Library, for the few times that I have wanted to "watch something" while folding laundry.
So, who else out there has cut their cable, and how does it work for their family?
We cut our cable a few months ago to save money. Your husband will miss his sports. The only way to get reliable, good quality sports online is to subscribe to the league (NHL, MLB, NBA, whatever) if they have an available streaming site. Failing that, there is this website http://livetv.ru/en/ which used to have really good quality video until the major leagues found out about it, and now it posts very pixilated, poor quality videos (we just listen most of the time), and does not post all games all the time.
Also keep in mind that if you have cable internet, if you cancel the cable tv they will likely charge you much much more for the internet service. For example, our bundled package was about $90 a month, and now for just internet, we're paying $60. We don't have a landline, so DSL isn't an option. So in the long run losing cable really didn't save us much.
You can totally do it. Though you do loose the sports channels.
We lived without cable for most of our marriage... about 7 years. We just got satelite because it was some good packaged deal with our internet/phone/cell phone. It is doesn't make sense to cut it now because they raise the cost of the other services when you drop the package.
I love not having cable- I don't watch tv at all. I have so much more time to do things instead of sitting in front of the tv. If my husband wants to watch sports, he goes to a friends house or to a bar that is carrying it. If you are not 'bundled' with other services, cut it off, you will feel so much better about the money you save.
We cut our cable when we moved here 3 years ago. My husband does miss some sports but we still get some. Do you have an attenna? We had a huge one on top of our house when we bought it, now with all the new digital stuff we had to buy a digital converterbox (you can get a $40 coupon from the govt. if you need to buy one) we actually get more local channels now. We get 5different PBS channels, ABC, CBS, NBC, and something else- have you tried getting local channels at all? Anyway, when I am somewhere with cable, like my mom's, I tend to watch stuff that we get at home- like Friends so we have definetly been happy with it. Plus we do get decent channels and it's all for free.
We dropped cable when we bought our house to save money. The one thing I miss is Food Network but other than that, we're good.
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