I don't like this one bit. Mom is what older children and teenagers call their mothers. I don't like to think of the Mermaid getting older, she's still my little girl to me. So, I don't feel ready to be a Mom.
The Mermaid has other names for me that I like. She calls me Queen (because she is a princess of course, so I must be a queen), Mama, Mommy, etc. I like all these names, but I don't like Mom.
I've tried to gently steer her back to calling me Mommy, but she insists on calling me Mom.
At least the Guppy still calls me Mommy.
Rowan started calling me MOm before he turned 3! I didn't like it either. A few months ago he called me mommy again, I told him that I really like that. So then everytime he would talk to me he'd say "Mom, uh I mean Mommy..." it was pretty cute :)
I never thought of it that way. And when it happens, it'll probably make me sad too. :(
I felt the same way about the transition from Mama to Mommy. And sometimes, because of what she hears my stepdaughter call me, my little one calls me by my first name, which really catches me off-guard.
i say stick queen!!
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