Days when the laundry is piled up and the dishes are taking over the kitchen.
Days when your to-do list is too long and your bills outweigh your checking account.
Days when your four-year old is being impossible and your two-year old is being so incredibly clingy that you literally think you can see velcro growing on her skin.
Days when your energy is low, your patience is thin, and you start to wonder if you are going to spend the rest of your life changing diapers and cleaning snotty noses and washing sticky hands.
Days when you look at your child-less friends who are traveling the world and appear to have no cares in the world and you start to wonder "What would my life have been like if...."
Days when you really and truly feel the weight of living in a society that doesn't value your hard, hard work and your contribution to society simply because you don't get a paycheck at the end of the week.
Days like these do not come very often, but when they do it can feel like you have been stomped and trodden on and devalued, all because you have been stuck with the label "housewife".
I'm having one of those days today. And while I know that tomorrow will be a much better day, I'm wondering how often other moms have these days. And what they do to help themselves out of the funk. do you deal with these days?
I find bubble baths help me when I am in a funk - although only if there are no interruptions :)
And I like to use a different title: not "housewife", but "Family COO" (Chief Operating Officer)... it is an important Profession with never-ending overtime, so why shouldn't it sound important?!
Gosh, this was almost exactly the topic of our LLL mtg. today. Is there something child-friendly that you and your girls can all enjoy together? Is the weather nice enough to escape the mess in the house and just go outside? Maybe a playdate with a dual-purpose - entertainment for the little ones AND the mamas.
Good luck. It can be a VERY tough job. (I like to call myself a "domestic engineer.")
U are NOT alone Mama!
even when u feel alone you are not! The velcro statement has me laughing still!! I too have a 4 & 2 y.o.
I AM still trying to find "my tribe" of other Mamas more importantly like-minded Mamas, untill then I go to the gym and try to get to my Yoga class...that is my biggest outlet and the occasional glass or two of wine...
I can relate to everything you typed in ur post...
May you find your inner peace and shine brightly for all of the dishes and laundry will and can wait, in the whole grand picture it's really nothing but times like these seem so GRAND and endless...but know that you are doing and Being the most important thing in your childrens lives...your home with them, creating memories, rythum...Blessings to you and yours~~~
I can totally relate. I have those days often as I am in the same boat as you ("housewife," but with only 1 kiddo).
I've found that a cleaning/laundry schedule really keeps me on track and keeps things from becoming piled up. Of course I do fall off the wagon occasionally and things do start accumulating, but for the most part, it works pretty well. For example, Monday is bathroom day, Tuesday is laundry and upstairs floors, Wednesday is downstairs floors...
If I keep up with my daily list, things don't become overwhelming, which keeps me from getting stressed. On the days that I do get stressed, I just remind myself that tomorrow is another day.
I try my best to get out of the house... take the kid to the thrift store to browse or the park if it's a nice day. Even just taking a walk with my little guy is enough to change my attitude and focus on the positive.
Oh and if daddy is home, a bubble bath and a glass of wine. :)
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