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Monday, May 03, 2010

I Am A Willow Tree

My Mother's Blessing, or Blessingway, was yesterday. To be surrounded by so many supportive family members and friends was absolutely wonderful. I was in heaven all day.

We did smudging, sharing of thoughts and advice, beads to make a birthing necklace, and belly henna. The sharing of thoughts and poems, etc. really touched me and made me feel really loved and supported.

And, I realized, that I can do this.


I am a Willow Tree

Strong, yet fluid


I can bend with the wind,

But my roots are tough, Indestructible.

Opening to birth my child

I am flowing with the wind

From a soft and gentle breeze

To a stormy gale

Back to a soft and gentle breeze.

My body is strong, but flexible.

It is my friend, it knows how to open.

I am friend to my body.

Eating well, walking, and loving myself.

I shall birth safely, freely, openly among my loved and trusted ones.

I am the Willow, flexible, beautiful, resilient

Endowed with the power of surrender

To the wind rustling through my leaves, my branches.

My roots reach deep into Mother Earth, anchored in her strength

I bring forth life

In joy

I am a Willow

I am a Mother

I am Strong.

- Anonymous

Thank you to everyone who made my Blessingway so special.



Ash said...

Sounds like a wonderful Blessingway! Love the poem!

~rachel~ said...

Love it! The poem and the belly! :)

Darcel said...

Beautiful henna! I had my Blessingway on May 1st. Sounds like we are due around the same time.
Best wishes for a beautiful, and peaceful birth.