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Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Journey to Homebirth, Part II: The Birth of The Guppy

This post is the second post in My Journey to Homebirth series; you can read the first post here.

When The Mermaid was 15 months old, The Knight and I discovered we were pregnant with our second child. Looking back on The Mermaid's birth, I knew that this time I wanted things to be different. Also, I had since met moms who had had homebirths, and I knew that things could be different; that I had other choices besides another hospital birth. So I talked it over with The Knight, and although he was a little hesitant, he agreed to interview some midwives with me. After our first interview, once he saw how experienced and prepared the midwife was, he was fully on board and we switched my care over.

I chose homebirth because I found the midwifery model of care to be more to my liking than the model of care that one typically gets from an OBGYN. I chose a homebirth because I did want a natural childbirth, and I knew that my best chances personally were if I were home, where no pain drugs were available. I chose homebirth because it felt "right" to me. I chose homebirth because I trusted my midwife, and I was finally able to trust myself and my body's ability to birth my baby.

I did NOT choose homebirth because I wanted a "nice environment". Contrary to what the media has portrayed when talking about women who choose to give birth at home, most do NOT choose this option so that they can dim the lights and light pretty candles. Most women who choose homebirth has researched their choice long and hard, and made an educated decision after realizing that for them, home is the safest place for them to give birth.

On the morning of September 26th, 2006, ten days past my due date, I woke up to regular contraction and realized I was in labor. I woke up and was not shrouded in fear or doubt; I woke up excited and full of confidence.

And here is the birth of The Guppy:

That morning, around 5 AM, I awoke to some contractions. I lay there for a while, enjoying the peace and quiet and seeing if the contractions were going to go away. After I while, I realized that they were pretty consistent and strong. I woke my husband up and we got to work setting up the last minute details. We called my mother, cousin, and sister and told them to come to our house as soon as they could. We called my midwife as well.

Pretty soon my house was filled with excited laughter, as my cousin and sister arrived. We started to bake a birthday cake and talked to The Mermaid about what was happening. I rode the laughter in waves, like I rode each contraction. As soon as I would feel a contraction coming on, I would hang on my husbands shoulders and we would slow dance while I gazed into his eyes; that was all I needed to stay grounded and focused through each contraction. After the contraction ended, I would go back to joking and laughing with everyone there.

We filled up the birthing tub, and as we did my contractions went from seven minutes apart to three minutes apart. I felt very much in control and very calm, and in fact did not realize that I was beginning transition.

When my midwife arrived, I was in transition and getting ready to push. Pushing the baby out was the hardest part, but I kept my focus my gazing in The Knight's eyes through each contraction. I pushed my daughter out in the tub at 1:37pm. When she was born, I was completely aware of what was going on in my surroundings. They immediately brought her up out of the water and placed her in my arms, and I was completely aware of her presence. My midwives helped me get out of the tub and onto the couch, and once there I latched her on right away. She latched on perfectly and started nursing like a champ, she was awake and alert. Other than sore nipples, I had no problems whatsoever with nursing her. I was able to bond with her right away. She was over 9lbs, yet I did not tear at all.

Afterwards The Knight, The Mermaid and I drank champagne with the others before heading into our room to cuddle on the bed and regroup as a family. The Knight and I kept looking at The Guppy then back at each other with silly grins on our faces, we couldn't believe we had done it!!

My postpartum period with her was very different from with The Mermaid. I had no postpartum depression at all; in fact, I finally was able to experience the "birth high" that I had read about so many times when preparing myself for this birth. The care I had received was excellent in so many ways, and The Knight and I knew that we would choose to give birth at home again in a heart beat. homebirth for everyone? No. I believe that you have to give birth where you feel safe and comfortable.

Do I believe that you can have a pleasant birth experience in the hospital? Of course. As a doula, I have been witness to many empowering births that took place in a hospital. So what steps can you take to help your hospital birth experience is pleasant? I will cover that in part 3.

Do you have a homebirth story that you would like to share? Or do you have any questions about homebirth? Ask away!


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