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Friday, October 10, 2008

Sarah Palin Debate Chart: Too Funny



Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Shelly, I've been reading your blog for a long time - even commented a few times before. I'm glad you have opinions about the upcoming election and that you seem like a responsible voter. The downside is that I don't read your blog for politics. I like to hear your thoughts about, well, "breastfeeding, homebirth, mothering, and attachment parenting." We practice all of those things at our house, and it is nice to connect with others of the same mindset, even if the connection is remote.

Of course, this is your blog and your forum for your own thoughts. Far be it from me to tell you what to do. I just wanted to share my thoughts with you.

Shelly said...

Anon- Thanks for your comment. :o) I appreciate the fact that you read my blog and comment, I love to hear feedback. :o)

The reason why I decided to post a little about politics (I think this is my second post, correct? So it certaintly hasn't been the topic of many of my posts) is that I find that politics affects a family's ability to practice attachment parenting.

Our country's maternity system is broken. Our country puts profits and corporations before families and people. Other industrialized countries, for ex Norway, Sweden, Denmark, etc. have strong policies that protect families. Time and time again, I hear the sadness and fear in my client's voice as they tell me they have to return to work in 12....6....and even sometimes, 3 weeks after the birth of the baby. And while you don't have to be a SAHM to practice AP, it certainly would make it easier. That is the only time companies allow mothers to stay home with their babies, most of the time without pay. While in other countries, mothers get 6 months paid maternity leave, and fathers get six months paid maternity leave, allowing the child to be in the presence of one parent for a full year. Where are our strong family policies? What is wrong with our country where we don't value the importance of family? Politics is what decides these issues. We need to be informed and choose politicians who care about our families. :o)

But, I digress. :o) Like I said, I really appreciate that you read my blog, and please be assured that politics is not going to turn into the main topic of my posts :o)(although as the election gets closer, I might put up a few more posts). So thank you for reading, and feel free to skip over the posts that don't interest you. :o)


Mommy In Pink said...

Sarah Palin has really gotten the short end of the stick lately. It seems as if everyone is taking a pot-shot at her. I enjoy reading your blog though, and i did chuckle a little at this chart, but I am still voting for McCain/Palin.