Your personality shines through more and more each day. You love to smile and talk, and you love to try to talk and eat at the same time, which can make breastfeeding a messy adventure, but I don't mind. You are so strong and can hold your head up for long periods of time. You love being held, and hate being alone. Sometimes I get annoyed when I have a lot of things to do and you won't let me put you down. But then, the second I am finally able to put you down, my arms ache to hold you again. Truthfully, I love that you love being held. I love being able to sit down and relax and worry about nothing, and only having to watch your beautiful eyes look around in wonder as you lay in my arms. I feel that we are so bonded that you are somewhat of an extension of myself; when you laugh, I laugh; when you cry, I cry; when you smile, I smile. Your smile is beautiful, and of course there is that mysterious dimple that only I seem to be able to catch a peep of when you smile especially big.
I love watching you sleep at night, and especially in the mornings. I love that you sleep later than the rest of us, so that I can watch you sleep. Your little hands reach out in your dreams, are you reaching for me? Your lips and tongue move in a sucking motion, are you dreaming about nursing? When you do wake up, you are so patient. You don't cry out or get fussy, you just roll on your side so that you are facing me and wait for me to realize that you are awake. Everyone always talks about how quiet and content you are, and it makes me feel so good that you don't feel the need to cry out when you want something; you know that I am already right there to take care of you, no matter what time it is. I love that we co sleep so that you don't feel lonely in your crib at night. You never nurse to sleep, instead you like to nurse until your full and then gaze into my eyes until finally your eyelids droop and you race off to dreamland.
I am so excited to see what this year will bring for us. To watch you grow and develop makes me so happy, and I look forward to it immensely. Just promise me that you won't grow up too fast. Promise that you will always love to be held. Promise that you will continue to know that I am right here for you at all times, no matter what. Promise that you will always feel secure and confident in your surroundings, little Guppy. Promise me...
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