Papa's wake is on Friday, which conflicts with our plans to have family portraits taken with the IL's for their wedding anniversary present. We figure if we go to the wake first we will probably be able to make it to the picture appointment in time.
Two night ago the Mermaid slept in her own room, in her own bed, all by herself! I was hoping that she would repeat this act, but last night she insisted on coming back into our bed, which I was fine with. I do love co sleeping, and I won't force her to leave the bed until she decides for herself that she is ready.
Last night I had my six week post-partum checkup with my midwife. I am all healed up and ready to go! While we were there she weighed the Guppy....a whopping 12 lbs 10 oz! My what a big girl! I was looking at the Mermaid's medical records the other day and she didn't hit 12 lbs until she was three months old.
In other will all think I am crazy, but I swear this is true. I have it on videotape to prove it, and as soon as I figure out how, I will upload it. But the Guppy, at only six weeks old, already laughs and smiles. Really, she does. She also holds her head up really really well...and today she rolled over onto her side. On purpose. She is sooo strong.
Well that is all for now. I will update more later. Have a goodnight!
1 comment:
Hey baby, I like the new site. Kudos.
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