Lately the Mermaid has begun to show such enthusiasm for everything and we really can't figure out where she gets it from. Not that the Knight and I aren't enthusiastic...well, maybe we aren't. We are both very happy people, but I wouldn't go so far as to say we are enthusiastic. But the Mermaid exclaims with joy over everything! And lately her favorite expression has been, "Oh, boy!" As in:
"Oh, boy! A Kitty!"
"Oh, boy! Apple!"
"Oh, boy! Lovie!"
And my personal favorite, whenever we give her something, it's "Oh, boy! Thank you!"
Neither the Knight or I use the expression, "oh, boy!" so it remains a mystery on where she picked it up from. But for the past two weeks, as she has continually used this phrase and spoken about things with such enthusiasm, I find myself liking it. And I find myself getting more enthusiastic about life in general. Such as:
"Oh, boy! I managed to get the laundry done!"
"Oh, boy! I actually was able to cook something for dinner!"
And although we've all been sick this past week, I've tried to not let that get in the way of my newly found enthusiasm.
"Oh, boy! The Guppy threw up all over our nice clean sheets for the second time today!"
"Oh, boy! I get to chase the Mermaid around so I can try to give her medicine!"
"Oh, boy! I get to spend my day picking up used Kleenex!"
Well, I'm trying at least. But it's nice to know that my daughter, at two years old, can already teach her parents some lessons on life. There's always something you can find in your day to be enthusiastic about, even if it is just that oh, boy! the day will soon be ending and you can always start fresh tomorrow (hopefully with clean sheets!).
My youngest is almost 3 (New Year's Day) - and she's the same way. "Oh my gosh!!! A whale!" or "Oh my gosh!!! A Panda!!!" The latest is a HUGE wave and a bright, "GOOD MORNING, MOMMY!!!!"
Don't you wish you could bottle that enthusiasm and sell it?
Adorable! I can't wait for my littlest one's sayings!
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