Tuesday, November 30, 2010
He's A Mean One
Monday, November 29, 2010
Let Me Pick Your Brain
Let Me Pick Your Brain
Thursday, November 25, 2010
It's a new thing for me, but I've made and eaten it every day this week.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Just Kidding
Sort of.

Just Kidding
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Pinky Swear

I have learned so much from you, starting from the moment of your birth. You are both wise and innocent, and your presence has made my life joyful. My only son, I am looking forward to seeing you grow into a man.
To you, dear Tadpole, I promise:
To teach you about strength, dignity, and perseverance. To teach you about self-respect, and how to treat others as you would like to be treated.
I promise to forgive you your mistakes, and hope you forgive me for mine.
I promise to do what I can to help you fulfill your dreams and passions.
I promise to keep listening to the lessons you teach me, to look at the world through your eyes, to help you keep your innocence for as long as possible.
I promise to teach you that being a father is one of the most important jobs in the world.
I promise to teach you responsibility, yet also teach you not to live life too seriously.
I promise to show you how to find joy in the simple things: a sunset, a good poem, the smell of rain in the early morning.
I promise to do what I can to make this world a better place for your children.
I promise to show you that the world can be a wonderful place, and how to be fearless but safe as you make your way out on your own.
Most importantly, I promise to support you in any path you choose, love you unconditionally, and always make you feel welcome in my arms.
I wrote these promises to The Guppy as part of her baby blessing, and I am sharing them now.
Pinky Swear
Thursday, November 18, 2010
My Inspiration

My Inspiration
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
This Old, Familiar Dance.
This Old, Familiar Dance.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I Promise

You are my sweet child, the one whose birth taught me that I can reach deep into myself and accomplish anything. Your compassion and empathy towards others never ceases to amaze me
Dear Guppy, to you I promise:
To always be thankful for your presence in my life. To remember that you are my free-spirited child, my barefoot daughter in the grass, my child of fairies and princesses. I promise to help you keep your sense of wonder and imagination.
I promise to model patience, perseverance, and a willingness to look at things from your point of view, so that you may learn how to practice these values.
I promise to show you the true value and power of being a woman and a mother, and to guide you on the somewhat rocky path to womanhood.
I promise to take all your childhood wishes and dreams seriously, no matter how silly they may seem to the rest of the world.
I promise to be there through every disappointing event, through all the break ups and break outs, through days of teenage angst.
I promise to guide and protect you, but at the same time I promise to be honest about the harsh realities of the world, and let you learn from your own mistakes.
Most importantly, I promise to support you in any path you choose, love you unconditionally, and always make you feel welcome in my arms.
I wrote these promises to The Guppy as part of her baby blessing, and I am sharing them now.
I Promise
Monday, November 15, 2010
Those Days Are Gone
He sits there, wobbly and unsteady. Keeping his balance carefully, looking up at me with a smile, searching my face for approval.
And here's my secret: behind the proud smile I am giving him, I'm crying.
He's my last. He's almost six months old. He's sitting up.
I think back to this past week, to the craziness and chaos, to the frustration and stress and slip ups where I yelled at the girls.
And I think about how the only time I had made to simply sit and cuddle with my little babe was when we were both sick.
He spends so much of his day smiling, in his new high chair or on the blanket on the floor or in my arms while I teach The Mermaid. So smiley and happy.
But sometimes he gives me this look that breaks my heart...like he is begging me to just sit down with him.
Slow down.
To play with him a little. To cuddle just a little more. To just sit and let him nurse as long as he wants without mentally rushing him.
Those Days Are Gone
Friday, November 12, 2010
Soccer Stars, Part 2
Later, after she had gotten her medal and eaten her pizza, she pulled me close and whispered "Next time, can I do dance instead of soccer?"
She is my delicate flower.
Soccer Stars, Part 2
Thursday, November 11, 2010
When the whole family is sick with colds and we're all stuffy and suffering from sore throats....
is it so wrong of me to be a little relieved? Because then I have an excuse to put on sweats and do nothing but this all day:
Is there anything more serene and peaceful than a sleeping baby?
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Joy in a Jar
And fill us with the right things...then we can provide a lot of joy.
Joy in a Jar
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Three Costumed Beauties
Three Costumed Beauties
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
No Glass Bottle Would Be Big Enough, Anyway

No Glass Bottle Would Be Big Enough, Anyway
Monday, November 01, 2010
Soccer Stars
Soccer Stars