Just kidding.
Sort of.

It all seems so ordinary, doesn't it?

But it's not.
Every day with you somehow seems magical. Watching you nurse, studying you as you take in your surroundings...seeing you grow and learn right in front of my eyes.
You are so polite. You don't really cry, you just make a gentle sound to let me know that you want to nurse, or want your diaper changed.
Each time you laugh, it tugs at my heart, and sends tingles up my spine. Six months ago, I didn't know you, hadn't met you. And now I can't imagine my life without you.
Now you smile whenever I walk into the room. Now you have tickle spots. Now you hold your arms up when you want me to pick you up.
Now, when I softly call your name, you turn to me and look me in the eye. I think that is my favorite milestone so far, the fact that you now know your name, know who you are.
I wonder, do you like your name? Does it make you happy to hear me whisper it in your ear, followed by the words "I love you"? Does it help you comprehend in any way the power and force of the love that I feel for you, will always feel for you?
Probably not. But I whisper it to you anyway, and you look at me with recognition, and yes, I think with love too.
Another beautiful month, my son. Can't wait to see what the next one brings.
1 comment:
Thanks for some quality points there. I am kind of new to online , so I printed this off to put in my file, any better way to go about keeping track of it then printing?
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