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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I Promise

My dearest Guppy,

You are my sweet child, the one whose birth taught me that I can reach deep into myself and accomplish anything. Your compassion and empathy towards others never ceases to amaze me

Dear Guppy, to you I promise:

To always be thankful for your presence in my life. To remember that you are my free-spirited child, my barefoot daughter in the grass, my child of fairies and princesses. I promise to help you keep your sense of wonder and imagination.

I promise to model patience, perseverance, and a willingness to look at things from your point of view, so that you may learn how to practice these values.

I promise to show you the true value and power of being a woman and a mother, and to guide you on the somewhat rocky path to womanhood.

I promise to take all your childhood wishes and dreams seriously, no matter how silly they may seem to the rest of the world.

I promise to be there through every disappointing event, through all the break ups and break outs, through days of teenage angst.

I promise to guide and protect you, but at the same time I promise to be honest about the harsh realities of the world, and let you learn from your own mistakes.

Most importantly, I promise to support you in any path you choose, love you unconditionally, and always make you feel welcome in my arms.

I wrote these promises to The Guppy as part of her baby blessing, and I am sharing them now.


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