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Friday, July 30, 2010

And So, I Jump

I look ahead of me and sometimes, it is too dark to see.

I feel as though I am always trying to get my life together. Trying to catch up on laundry, keep the house clean, take care of the kids, remember appointments for the doctors, dentist, chiro...

I try to fit in time for me to breathe. I escape in my knitting or I run to the gym and get away for a bit.

But in the end, it's all waiting for me when I get back.

I can't keep up with this forever. Always wanting things to be better, more collected, less chaotic.

I have two choices: I can drive myself crazy trying to keep up with it all....or accept that for now, my life is slightly messy and full of chaos.

The first option means having the stress of keeping it all together. The second involves a messy house but happy and smiling kids.

I make my decision. And facing the darkness....I jump.

I have faith that I will land on solid ground.



Mary said...

remember that well known saying about babies to tend and dust bunnies can IS true!!!
If you dont' know what I'm talking about I"ll find it and send it to you.
it is far better to have raised happy healhty, secure, well adjsted children that to have been known for your housekeeping skills.

dishes and dust are momentary, children are your legacy and gift back to the world.

be gentle with you!
xoxo M

Bunch of Barrons said...

Hang in there! :) You can do it! :)

The Cloth Diaper Connection said...

Sometimes it's best to enjoy your children and let the house be a mess rather than stress out about chores. Forget about it all for awhile and go for a walk or go to the park!

Adrianne said...

Great reminder!!! My life is very much the same. And my house know it but boy is it a struggle!!!