Basically, sum up your child's birth in six words. Try to be as specific as possible.
Here are mine:
The Mermaid: She's here, I'm drugged, don't notice
The Guppy: In water, glorious birth, Hello Baby!
I would love to hear yours!
Turning Everday Living Into Something Worth Talking About
Skin Design:
Free Blogger Skins
Your Birth, Abbreviated.
As you can see, my children are having cereal for dinner. No fancy home cooked meal tonight, that effort just opens the door for the Bad Mommy. You can see my kids know something is up by the look of fear on the Mermaid's face, and the look of suspicion on the Guppy's. And that glass in the foreground? Full of wine.
This picture was taken at about 10pm. My kids are not in bed, they are not even in their pj's. I have no idea where the Mermaid was when I took this picture, but as you can see, the Guppy is watching Mary Poppins like a zombie. No limited TV for these children today! And yes, I was still sitting at the table with a wine glass when I took this. I was actually playing cards with the Knight. Who, by the way, found this whole incident insanely funny. (I think he was just relieved. He doesn't want to admit it, but he's afraid of the Bad Mommy too).
So, we escaped the clutches of the Bad Mommy this time. Hopefully she won't come back with a vengeance.
A Bad Mommy Kind of Day...
Family Reunion
Well that's it for random updates! Today we are taking the girls to the EcoTarium. It should be a great time!
A Little Bit of Everything...
Precious Moments's Precious Moms Party Package Giveaway!
Kung Fu Winner!
Bits and Pieces
BirthTrack continually tracks and displays the most important diagnostic variables. Currently, cervical dilatation and head station are assessed by the physician/midwife manually during vaginal examination. In the usual procedure vaginal examinations are performed numerous times during normal labor. In the case of labor arrest or other complications the number of vaginal examinations increases. The information available to the caregiver is inaccurate due to the objective nature of the measurement and intermittent. In the event of
non-progressive labor, the diagnosis may be delayed, thereby preventing the mother from obtaining the best medical care.
You will have continuous information regarding the progress of labor and you will know the position of your baby every second. Your partner will be able to be an active participant in the labor process as he/she follows the progress of the partogram on the screen next to your bed.
Monitoring in High Gear: What Happened to Evidence Based Practices?
The girls loved camping out in the tent. The delight and surprise on their faces was incredible. We told stories by firelight (and not by tv light) and just talked and laughed and tickled. With no electronic gadgets around to distract us, we were able to really connect with each other and enjoy each other's company.
The Mermaid loved the sound of the frogs and crickets. When we went to lay down in the tent, I positioned myself next to the Mermaid while the Knight lay down next to the Guppy. Usually, the Mermaid sleeps on her little mattress next to our bed and I spend the night nursing the Guppy back to sleep. But for some reason, the Guppy did not ask to nurse to sleep. Instead, she cuddled with the Knight and I smiled to hear them laughing and giggling and making silly faces at each other.
Meanwhile, it was so incredibly peaceful and delightful to be able to cuddle with my little girl. She isn't used to having someone to cuddle with anymore, and it was a delight for her as well. We listened to the frogs and screeched and then laughed when we saw a bat land on the tent, right above us. We whispered in the dark, talking about the sounds of nature that we were hearing, talking about what her toy dog likes to eat and how he hates to have the blankets over his head, and most importantly, just talking. It was just the two of us, without the Guppy clamoring for attention or for na nas.
I felt like I was rediscovering who the Mermaid was; rediscovering that she is her own little person with her own little personality. As I lay there with her and listened to her talk about the stars and moon, feelings of awe and love for her just hit me and it was so incredibly overwhelming. Here is this sweet, beautiful, smart little girl and she is my daughter. I carried her in me for nine months, and now I carry her in my heart and in my arms. She is my daughter, and I could not be prouder, or more blessed.
Swings and Bats and Stories by Firelight...
Great Giveaway
Great Tour Around the Blog World
The vulva on the bottom of the base.
There's a Vulva Under My Coffee Cup
Morning sickness. It's the bane of many of a pregnancy. And many a future mother wonders at the apparently unnecessary suffering. But, it turns out, there's meaning to the misery. Two evolutionary biologists report that morning sickness protects both the pregnant woman and the developing embryo just when
the fetus is most vulnerable.
After testing the two dominant theories (one adaptive and the other non-adaptive) for why two-thirds of women around the world -- but seemingly no other mammals -- experience nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, only one holds water, says Paul Sherman, Cornell professor of neurobiology and behavior and a
Weiss Presidential Fellow.
"Our study, which tested theories and predictions about the nature of parent-offspring conflict in human pregnancy, shows that nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is beneficial by expelling such foods as meat and strong-tasting vegetables that historically and still may contain harmful toxins and microorganisms that could potentially sicken the woman and damage her fetus just when its organs are developing and are most vulnerable to chemicals," said Sherman, who is an expert in Darwinian medicine -- viewing diseases from an evolutionary perspective.
Pregnant Women Get Morning Sickness to Protect Fetus
It's Like YouTube....For Moms
Panda-Monium! Kung Fu Panda Activity CD Giveaway!
Before: See what I mean about out of control?
During: Looks a little better
After: The fire is extinguished!
Head on over to participate in your own project at Tackle It Tuesday!
Tackle It Tuesday: Putting Out The Fire
Be Warned of Gardasil
The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has issued a recommendation statement and systematic review about lack of evidence to recommend screening for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and has published them in the May 20 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.
"In 2003, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force concluded that evidence was insufficient to advise for or against routinely screening all pregnant women for [GDM]," write Teresa A. Hillier, MD, MS, from Kaiser Permanente Northwest in Portland, Oregon, and colleagues from the USPSTF who coauthored the systematic review of evidence about the benefits and harms of screening for gestational diabetes.
Gestational Diabetes
The Girl Effect
Back to Monday
Dealing With the Guilt
More Thoughts On God
TidBits from Our Life