Lately, in order to deal with the Guppy's understandable clinginess and demand for constant attention, I have slipped into a frame of mind that I am not proud of. You see, I have forgotten that you are your own little person and I began to think of you only in terms relating to your little sister.
I wince now, hearing the things that I've been saying about you lately. People compliment you on your sweet personality, and I say "Yes, she's so sweet, she always shares and looks after her sister!" They would compliment you on your good behavior and I would say "Yes, it's like she is trying to be a good model for her sister!" They would even talk about how tall you are for your age and I would say, "Yes, and her sister is tall too!"

You are incredibly sweet, and you always have been. You've been sharing with kids since you were able to crawl.
You really are well behaved, and you always have been. I'm so incredibly lucky that when we leave the park/zoo/playdate, I don't have to deal with a tantrum. You don't hit, yell, steal, etc. Sometimes I think you are wise beyond your years.
You are also smart, kind, funny, adventurous, brave, independent, artistic, musical, active, energetic, cuddly, and beautiful.
And since you are your own little person, you have your own little quirks and likes and dislikes. I have been so overjoyed lately to have rediscovered all these quirks and such, now that I remember to view you as your own person.
Like how you love to stand on your head....
Or how you love "learning time"....
Or how you love to tell time...
Or how you love Curious George...and in fact, everything you do, you do "just like Curious George!"
Or how you are so brave to the point where you do things that scare me...
Or how you are so easygoing and flexible and relaxed...
Or how you love window shopping just as much as I do...
The list goes on and on.

I promise to you that I will no longer think of you only in terms relating to the Guppy. I also promise to make a much greater effort to spend time with you alone, just the two of us. You have been so incredibly patient and understanding as the Guppy has occupied my attention; I don't think I would have been as patient as you have been.
I will have your father watch the Guppy and you and I will go out window shopping. On the way home we will stop for ice cream and eat it in the park, and then we will see who can stand on their heads the longest, "Just like Curious George!" And I will listen, really listen, as you talk to me about whatever you want to talk about.
I love you so much, and I always will. You were my first baby and will always be my first baby; and that makes you special.
I know what you are going through. I do the same thing to my oldest and it has to be hard. It really is difficult to grab the time for one on one and enjoy it.... here's to both of us doing just that and enjoying our special eldest girls for who they are!
Hopped over from I hope I can remember this if my own daughter ever gets a little brother or sister.
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