The girls loved camping out in the tent. The delight and surprise on their faces was incredible. We told stories by firelight (and not by tv light) and just talked and laughed and tickled. With no electronic gadgets around to distract us, we were able to really connect with each other and enjoy each other's company.
The Mermaid loved the sound of the frogs and crickets. When we went to lay down in the tent, I positioned myself next to the Mermaid while the Knight lay down next to the Guppy. Usually, the Mermaid sleeps on her little mattress next to our bed and I spend the night nursing the Guppy back to sleep. But for some reason, the Guppy did not ask to nurse to sleep. Instead, she cuddled with the Knight and I smiled to hear them laughing and giggling and making silly faces at each other.
Meanwhile, it was so incredibly peaceful and delightful to be able to cuddle with my little girl. She isn't used to having someone to cuddle with anymore, and it was a delight for her as well. We listened to the frogs and screeched and then laughed when we saw a bat land on the tent, right above us. We whispered in the dark, talking about the sounds of nature that we were hearing, talking about what her toy dog likes to eat and how he hates to have the blankets over his head, and most importantly, just talking. It was just the two of us, without the Guppy clamoring for attention or for na nas.
I felt like I was rediscovering who the Mermaid was; rediscovering that she is her own little person with her own little personality. As I lay there with her and listened to her talk about the stars and moon, feelings of awe and love for her just hit me and it was so incredibly overwhelming. Here is this sweet, beautiful, smart little girl and she is my daughter. I carried her in me for nine months, and now I carry her in my heart and in my arms. She is my daughter, and I could not be prouder, or more blessed.
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