You are now 11 months old. Unbelievable. In two weeks, we will be celebrating your sister's and your birthdays with one big party. I was finally able to pick out a date and time, and even think up some activities for the kids to do.
So yes, I may have planned your first birthday party. And yes, I will be so happy to celebrate that birthday. But for now, I am so thankful for our quiet nursing times, for the fact that you want to be held a lot, and for the fact that you still are, and always will be, my little baby.
This month your two front teeth and one side front tooth has come in. You also decided that you would, in fact, like to crawl. However, you keep one leg in front of you when you crawl and push it forward as you go, so it is definitely amusing watching you do your "special" crawl.
You love to crawl after your sister. You two are playing together so well I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. You love it when I pull you up to a standing position. You still love being in the Mai Tei. And you've also discovered the joys of the kiddie pool. Your signing vocabulary has expanded to include Daddy and Thank you. You continue to love your solids.
Some times you get fussy and irritable; I imagine it's because you've been teething so much lately. But for the most part, you are so calm and relaxed and you love to just go with the flow. Your favorite pastime is watching the Mermaid perform her wild antics and sometimes you crawl frantically after her, trying to keep up.
One thing that I have noticed and that I am glad for is that you tend to gravitate for the quiet toys. Flashing lights and loud sounds just don't do it for you. Instead you will reach for the wooden blocks, or your wooden zebra and elephant. This is a great relief as your father and I have decided to slowly convert all the toys in the house to wooden and more natural toys. You also don't show much love for the television, thank Goodness, unlike your sister who wants all the TV time she can get.
Although your nursing has slowed down since you started crawling, you still crawl over to me several times a day to nurse and "touch base" after all your play time adventures. I make sure to always be there for you during these times, as I understand the value of a little down time now and then. Remember that I will always be here for you, supporting you, loving you. The same goes for your sister and your father. You, my dear, are one lucky baby. ;o)
1 comment:
Aw! So sweet!
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