The Guppy has three teeth coming in. This poor baby girl is in so much pain. We've been using teething tablets, teething rings, and ice cubes in mesh feeders, and while those things do offer some temporary relief, our ears are still smarting from her cries.
I can't stand seeing my baby in pain.
The Mermaid didn't get her first tooth until she was 11 months old. And she had no reaction to teething at all. In fact I didn't notice she was getting a tooth until it had already cut through. Soooo much different with the Guppy :o(
I wish we could get away. Just me and the Knight and the girls. Take a nice vacation and go somewhere so beautiful and so wonderful that the Guppy would be too distracted to remember that her mouth is throbbing with pain.
But, since we can't, we'll just try our best to comfort and hold her and make sure the Mermaid isn't feeling neglected.
I can't wait until these teeth finally pop through!
Have you tried the teething liquid, Camila by Borion? It worked the best for us. We resorted to Infant Motrin at bedtime if we were desprate for relief. :)
Poor baby. Oragel was always our best friend. Rub on the pacifier if you can't get your pinky in the mouth.
Vacations? Oh, I'm sorry you must have lost your memo. We don't get those anymore.
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