Yesterday as part of my "training" the girls and I went to a Mercedes Benz dealership to look at all the different types of MB that are available. We went with some friends. We took lots of pictures and I will post them up as soon as I can.
You might be wondering why I haven't posted any pictures lately. My camera broke and it is really killing me that I haven't been able to take any pictures in almost a month. I'm supposed to get it back today so hopefully I will be posting some pictures tomorrow.
Lately it's been crazy around here with my new job plus my job at a local pharmacy and trying to keep the house decent and the Mermaid happy. It's times like these that I really appreciate the nursing relationship that I have with the Guppy, especially after not having it for a day. By breastfeeding the Guppy, I am allowing myself to take non-guilt breaks during the day, in which I can kick up my feet and reconnect with my baby. There are only two times during the day that I feel truly and really at peace: when I am nursing the Guppy, and when I am cuddling with the Mermaid right before her nap.
The Knight and I are planning the girls' birthday party. Not only do I have to face the fact that the Guppy will be one (already!) but also the Mermaid will be three (holy cow!!). We plan on doing something very informal, just cake and ice cream and we are also going to rent one of those giant blow up bouncy things for the kids. Although I plan on setting aside some time to let the adults have fun on it too ;o)
That's it for this update :o)
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