You can head right on over to Adventures in Babywearing to enter for your chance to win this great CD. Stephanie also has links up for you to listen to samples from the CD itself. What are you waiting for? GO! :o)
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Soundzania Giveaway!
You can head right on over to Adventures in Babywearing to enter for your chance to win this great CD. Stephanie also has links up for you to listen to samples from the CD itself. What are you waiting for? GO! :o)
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Unassisted Childbirth
People who choose to have an Unassisted Childbirth (UC) generally believe that birth is a completely natural and private experience and that the presence of birth attendants can be invading and unnecessary.
A lot of time women who choose to have an UC experience are criticized as putting their child in danger. However, I think that what most people realize is that these women are not going into this unprepared. Most people who choose this route have a back up plan in case something goes wrong. They usually also research childbirth itself and work hard to prepare themselves for the birth. They are not going into this experience blind.
As for myself, I find the presence of a midwife comforting. I like having someone there that has a lot of experience with childbirth and that can support me and help me in a way that my husband could not, simply because he is a man. With this in mind, I completely respect and even admire a woman who chooses to have a UC experience, as long as she takes the time to educate herself and prepare herself in case anything goes wrong (which rarely happens).
You can read some articles that have been in the news lately concerning UC here, here, and here. You can also find out more about Unassisted Childbirth by visiting Bornfree, a website that is dedicated to informing women about UC.
Whether you choose homebirth, hospital birth, or a Unassisted Childbirth, the best thing you can do to prepare is to educate yourself. Take nothing at face value. If your doctor or midwife says one thing, confirm it with your own research. Your baby will thank you later.
Unassisted Childbirth
Love It
In the recent past, only the most eco-minded or penny-pinching parents chose to diaper their babies in cloth. But within the past couple of years, design innovations have led to a renewal of interest in cloth. On parenting message boards, the same moms who buy thousand-dollar strollers get giddy about “fluffy
mail”—slang for mail-ordered cloth diapers. The market for used cloth diapers is lively. In fact, some highly coveted “designer” brands actually appreciate in value. Depending on the maker, fabric, and design, new cloth diapers can fetch
as much as $40 each, although the ones I sold—Kissluvs—were originally purchased for only $12.
I used to have a huge addiction to buying cloth diapers, and now I just have a huge addiction to sewing them myself. :o)
Love It
8 Month Old Letter

8 Month Old Letter
Holiday Weekend
Friday and Saturday night I worked. Saturday morning we did our grocery shopping and a little bit of yard sale hunting.
Sunday was the busy day. My lovely and talented sister graduated from college with a BA in biology. The ceremony was looonngg. And for the most part, I was by myself. With two kids. Trying to keep them quiet and still for three hours. You can guess how that was.

My Lovely Sister
The Guppy with her Grandma
I actually didn't stay for the whole ceremony, I ended up leaving after they called my sister's name. The best part was the parking was a half hour away from the location of the ceremony. On the way there I had my mom with me, so it wasn't so bad. She pushed the Mermaid in the stroller with all the bags while I hoofed it with the Guppy on my back and carrying my purse and the sun umbrella. The way back was a different story, since my mom had to leave before I did. So I had to make the walk back pushing the stroller with the Mermaid and the heavy bags and carry the Guppy on my back, and the first fifteen minutes of walking were all uphill and I was wearing heels. It took me an hour to get back to the car.
Our next stop was meeting up with the Knight at his cousin's wedding. I, of course, got lost on the way so we were even later than planned. The wedding was a blast however, his cousin looked absolutely beautiful and so did her sister, the bridesmaids. The Mermaid had a lot of fun dancing and running around in general, she is so outgoing now with other kids.
The Mermaid playing with her Grampa
The Mermaid dancing
The Guppy and her I-just-woke-up Mohawk
The beautiful bride and the Knight
The Guppy dancing with the Knight.
We ended up getting home around 11pm, totally exhausted. Of course I had to work Monday so we didn't do much that day. In fact I am working every single day this week because I offered to pick up some hours for people. It doesn't leave too much time for blogging, but I'll get a nice paycheck in the end.
Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!Holiday Weekend
Friday, May 25, 2007
Sweet Sisterhood

Sweet Sisterhood
Fantastic Friday: Keeping Up The Pace..
Weight: Other Future MILF's will be happy to hear that this week I did not gain. I maintained. However, I have to lose weight soon. My mother and I started a bet to see who could lose the most weight in a month. If I win, I get a new ipod. If I lose, I have to make her coffee every morning and feed her dogs every night. Not fun. So wish me luck!
House: The house is still clean, just not as much as it used to be. I did manage to reach my goal this week and do three days of FlyLady missions, and I hope to do more this coming week.
Finances: Moving right along in this area. So far in Step 2 of the Total Money Makeover we have paid of a considerable amount of debt. By the end of the month we should have another credit card paid off, which just leaves us with a small car loan, a small personal loan, and then the three big debts (one large credit card and two student loans). Slowly but surely, we're getting closer to financial peace.
Environment: This week we made the switch over to cloth paper towels. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be, and I must say that the cloth ones do pick up more than the paper ones! Goal for this month: make the switch over to cloth napkins.
And that's it for this week. One step at a time, I'm slowly improving myself.
Fantastic Friday: Keeping Up The Pace..
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Tutu Fantasty Giveaway
Tutu Fantasty Giveaway
Finding God
A little background: My mother was Catholic, my father a non-practicing Protestant. My parents were married in a Protestant church because the Catholic church wouldn't marry them due to my father being a Protestant. I was baptized in a Catholic Church and also received my First Communion. After my parent's divorced, the Catholic Church would not allow my mother to be a God Mother to my cousin because she was divorced. My mother then married my ex-step father, who was also Catholic. For a while we did go to church every Sunday, but with five kids it's hard to calm everyone down enough to sit through a service, so mostly we just went on the holidays. By high school we weren't going at all, but I did go to a Catholic High School so I still attended Mass periodically through the school. The Knight is protestant and we were married by a Protestant minister. The Mermaid was baptized in a Catholic church and eventually the Guppy will be as well. However, I never took confirmation within the church because I had serious issues with how the church operated as an institution. So that is my religious background.
Somewhere along the way, I think I lost faith. I'm not sure at what point, and I'm not sure why, but I just stopped feeling God's presence in my life. I stopped praying and talking to Him. And I hate it. I want to be able to have God in my life again. I want to find God.
I have been trying to find God for about a month now. I started praying again, trying to feel His presence in my life. But it hasn't happened yet. My prayers feel hollow to me, almost forced. And I can't seem to bring myself to have a true conversation with Him yet. But I'm going to keep trying. I know that this will be a longer journey than I originally thought, but I am hoping that I will learn a lot about myself in the meantime. And who knows? Maybe in the end, I'll discover that He was right here all along, waiting for me to find myself.
Suggestions, advice, and encouraging comments are more than welcome :o)
Finding God
Monday, May 21, 2007
Top 10 Things I Love About Babywearing...
Top 10 Things I Love About Babywearing (not necessarily in any specific order)...
10. It allows me to express myself fashionably. See, for the most part I'm all about function and less about fashion. I don't wear any jewelry (gets caught on things too much), I do my hair just to get it out of my face (I can't remember the last time I took more than 5 minutes to style it), I wear functional shoes (no heels, black) and I barely put any makeup on (it's only going to be rubbed off with baby drool kisses, anyway). The most adventurous I ever get with my purses is a pink one I got as a gift. So imagine my delight when I discovered how many different colors, patterns, and styles that baby carriers are available in. I love being able to wear something that is both functional and fashionable, a bright and fun print that brightens up my day. Sometimes putting on a bright and fun carrier is just the pick me up I need on a drab day.
9. It has helped me to make new friends. While wearing the Guppy, I can't even count how many women have come up to me to ask me about the carrier I am wearing and where they could get one. Striking up a conversation with other fellow mamas is easy when you have a fun product to talk about! In fact, when the Guppy was about six weeks old, I was approached in WalMart by an employee who asked me about my pouch. Turns out she is also a fellow babywearing mama and she is the one that introduced me to a lot of my other babywearing friends and even gave me the information to join a NINO group. Talk about making friends fast!
8. It's more convenient. With the Mermaid, I always used a stroller. So wherever I went, I had to make sure the stroller was in the trunk, take the stroller out when we got there, unfold it, clip the Mermaid in, and then maneuver the whole thing through slim shopping aisles and pray that nothing got knocked over or that I didn't run over someone's toes. When we went to places that weren't stroller friendly, I had to carry the Mermaid in my arms...and boy, that wasn't fun! Very tiring! With babywearing, I just take the Guppy out of her car seat, pop her into whatever carrier I chose for the trip, and off we go! Very great and comfy for those long trips to places where you can't take a stroller!
7. It helps me to get things done. With the Mermaid, I didn't have any problems getting housework done because the Mermaid was not a "pick me up baby". However, with the Guppy, it's a different story. The Guppy loves to be held all the time, and I love holding her. In fact, it brings me great joy to hold her. And due to babywearing, my housework and other things I have to get done do not get neglected. I just pop the Guppy into the carrier and voila! I get to complete my to do list and hold my baby close all at the same time. What a stress reliever!
6. It helps me to spread my attention evenly. I will have to say that as a mother to more than one kid, babywearing has been a lifesaver. Before my first carrier that I ordered came in the mail, I had a hard time dividing my attention between the Guppy and the Mermaid. The Guppy would need to be fed but the Mermaid would need her diaper changed. The Guppy would want to be held but the Mermaid would be asking for lunch. The Guppy would be fussy and want to have me close but the Mermaid would want me to dance/sing/color/go for a walk with her. Babywearing was the perfect solution to this problem. I just pop the Guppy into the carrier on my back and I'm able to change the Mermaid's diaper, or go for a walk, or dance with her, color with her, etc. This way, both my kids are equally getting my attention. It definitely makes me feel more confident about eventually having a third child!
5. It keeps away the baby hogs. I know that this situation doesn't apply to everyone, but at this young age I believe a baby is better off and happiest in his or her mother's arms. Don't get me wrong, I do play an occasional game of pass the baby at family functions, no problem. After all, who can resist holding a cute baby? But when the Guppy is fussy or teething and wants her mommy, putting her in a carrier is a great way to keep pushy people from insisting on holding her. This makes both baby and mommy more secure and happy.
4. It's good for baby and mommy. The benefits of babywearing are proven and true. Benefits for the baby include: reassurance through physical touch; stimulation by viewing the world through the parents' point of view; less fussiness and crying; faster response to the baby's needs; and even improved motor control. Benefits for Mommy (or even Daddy) include: easier to prepare to leave the house; easier to get housework done; a boost in confidence at being able to meet your baby's needs immediately. You can read more about the benefits of babywearing here and here.
3. It's a great way to sneak in extra exercise. Struggling to lose the last of the baby weight? Babywearing is a great way to sneak some exercise into your day. Doing housework with the Guppy on my back actually gives me a great work out, better than if I had done it while she sat in a swing or playpen. I also get better exercise going for a walk while wearing the Guppy on my back rather than walking alone.
2. I love having my baby close. When I am wearing the Guppy, I feel comforted knowing that she is right there next to me. I don't have to worry about if she is getting into something, or if she is bored, etc. Feeling her breathe on my arm or my shoulder, being able to sniff her freshly washed hair whenever I want really does comfort me and help to keep the stress level down in the house. In fact, when I go to work and walk around doing my job, I feel a little empty without her familiar weight on my back.
1. It makes my baby happy. The Guppy loves to be worn. When she sees me bring out one of my carriers, her whole body wiggles with excitement. I usually wear her on my back and when I toss her up there she squeals and laughs with delight. She feels confident and secure when I wear her, because she knows that I am right there to respond to her needs. When she's teething or fussy, babywearing is the only thing that will calm her down and make her laugh again. And who can resist such a cute laugh?
So there you have it, my favorite 10 things about babywearing. So let's hear from you now: if you babywear, go ahead and leave a comment telling us what your favorite thing, or things, about babywearing are.
Top 10 Things I Love About Babywearing...
Mason and Matisse Giveaway!
I know you want to enter....because really, who can resist such a great contest?
Mason and Matisse Giveaway!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Fantastic Friday: Long Time No See...
Fantastic Friday: Long Time No See...
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
All About Me Meme
1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
So, without much further ado: Eight Things About Me.
1. I have double vision, meaning I see two of everything. This makes playing games like pool and darts really hard, but I LOVE to see fireworks.
2. I have a fear of dolls. I watched one too many doll-come-to-life-and-murders-everyone scary movies when I was a kid and now I can't be near them. When we go to the mall and pass the doll kiosk, I have to have the Knight walk between me and the kiosk and I can't look at it when I pass.
3. Like Mama K, I also obsessively research everything, especially when it comes to my kids. Every decision that I make regarding parenting, whether a small one like what type of toothbrush to buy for the Mermaid or a large one, such as whether or not to vaccinate, I make only after researching all my options. Some people might say that I am obsessive and uptight. The Knight and most of my family says it is one of the things that makes me a great parent. I choose to believe my family.
4. I am a Trekkie. I watch all the older shows, including the original series, the Next Generation, and Deep Space Nine. Right now I am in a Voyager kick, because you can't help but love a Star Trek show that stars a female captain.
5. I used to hold horrible grudges. Not so much anymore. I think being a Mom has changed the way I look at forgiveness. Even though I am better at holding grudges, I still get very angry when it comes to insulting my parenting or my kids. This is an area I am working on.
6. I love having my kids with me at all times. I rarely need a babysitter to just "get away". If I have to leave my kids with a sitter, I will only leave them with my mother or sister or one trusted friend, and I miss them terribly. I get very annoyed when people tell me that all parents need "time away" from their kids, because the Knight and I don't feel that way.
7. I am addicted to sunflower seeds. I eat them every day. I am better than I was before having kids though....back then I would eat them until I got sick. Now I just snack on a little each day.
8. I want to write a book someday. I don't know about what, or even when, I just know it is something I would like to do in my lifetime.
Well that's it for me. I'm not sure who has already done this meme, so if you haven't already done it, I tag: Angela over at Breastfeeding 1 2 3, My Fabulous Self over at To Blog or Not to Blog, Dakota over at Dakota's Natural Blog, and Sinead over at Breastfeeding Mums blog. Anyone else who wants to join, please do so and leave a comment so I can read 8 things about you!
All About Me Meme
Friends and Mai Teis

It was nice also to be able to sit and chat with another AP/natural Momma. And I got a really great and wonderful MT at the end of the day:

Friends and Mai Teis
Mother's Day

My new necklace
We also headed over the TJMaxx and Marshalls to see if they had any deals there but the girls were so cranky by then that we just gave up and went home so they could nap. Afterwards we went to visit the IL's and also celebrated Mother's Day with my mother.
All in all it was a wonderful day. It's nice to be recognized for just being a mother. And with the Mermaid giving me hugs and kisses all day, and the Guppy cuddling and nursing all day, well....there's nothing else I would rather be.
Mother's Day
Thursday, May 10, 2007
New Bedford Detainee Interview.
This video shows a 10 minutes interview of a woman who was one of the illegal immigrants detained from a factory in New Bedford. Later, when I have more time, I want to dive into my personal stance on the issue but in the meantime you can check out Jen at The Lactivist Blog and read up on her stance.
I strongly suggested you watch the video all the way through. It's atrocious. These people do not deserve to be treated this way.
Get the word out. Share this video with everyone you can. Let's act.
New Bedford Detainee Interview.
Been MIA
This past weekend my dear best friend got married and I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in the wedding party. I am so happy for her and her new husband.
The Guppy has been teething again, which is the primary reason I haven't been around much. I have never seen her this fussy before. If I even think about putting her down she screams. She has to nap in my arms, play in my arms, etc. And I can't just hold her in my lap while I'm doing something else, either: I have to have my full attention on her and only her, or else she cries. Even wearing her isn't helping much. Needless to say, this hasn't gone over very well at all with the Mermaid, and so as a result she has been acting up more than ever. So, this past week my day has consisted of both the girls screaming at me :o/
I hope to be back to regularly posting soon. In the meantime, besides Teething Tablets, anyone have any good ideas when dealing with a teething baby?
Been MIA
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Recall Alert
Recall Alert
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Breastfeeding Advocacy in MA
However, there is hope on the horizon.
Thanks to the efforts of the Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition and local nursing moms, there are now currently five bills being considered in legislation that deal with breastfeeding. If enacted, four of these laws would: protect a woman's right to nurse in public; protect her rights concerning workplace lactation; provide access to educational materials on the benefits of breastfeeding; and would allow the licensing of lactation consultants. The fifth bill would require that all women have access to free formula samples and materials.
The bills protecting nursing moms need our support in order to be pushed through and made law. The MBC is holding a lobbying day on Wednesday, May 9th, at the State House Room 109. Come and speak to your legislatures about getting these bills passed!
Breastfeeding Advocacy in MA
Mother's Day Giveaway!
I'm hoping to win either the Apple iPod gift set or the Mei Tai from All Natural Mommies. Be sure to stop by and enter to get your chance to win these excellent prizes!
Mother's Day Giveaway!