This past weekend my dear best friend got married and I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in the wedding party. I am so happy for her and her new husband.
The Guppy has been teething again, which is the primary reason I haven't been around much. I have never seen her this fussy before. If I even think about putting her down she screams. She has to nap in my arms, play in my arms, etc. And I can't just hold her in my lap while I'm doing something else, either: I have to have my full attention on her and only her, or else she cries. Even wearing her isn't helping much. Needless to say, this hasn't gone over very well at all with the Mermaid, and so as a result she has been acting up more than ever. So, this past week my day has consisted of both the girls screaming at me :o/
I hope to be back to regularly posting soon. In the meantime, besides Teething Tablets, anyone have any good ideas when dealing with a teething baby?
1 comment:
i have a whole post ready for teething remedies. LOL
1) Camila liquid by Borion works way better than the tablets.
2) Frozen wash rag
3) get one of those mesh self feeders and put frozen fruit or even ice chunks in there. Wes really loves this one.
4)Infant Motrin. I try not to use it, but some nights only that will do.
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