I didn't plan on writing this letter, but I think that you deserve written recognition for something that I have observed since the Guppy's birth:
You are a wonderful older sister.
From day one you have been so attentive and patient with your baby sister. You get so concerned when she cries. You love to make her laugh. You are so gentle with her, taking extra care to not be too rough when playing with her. She is the only one that you willingly share your toys with, and you get angry whenever someone is too loud while she is sleeping.

I really think that one reason you are so wonderful towards your sister is because you were there for her birth. Your father and I didn't disappear for three days and come back with a new baby; you were with us all along, through the entire labor and birth. This means you were present during the critical bonding time that occurs shortly after birth. My favorite image of the Guppy's birth is when you, your father, me, and your newborn sister were alone in the bedroom while the wonderful midwives cleaned up. All three of us sat around, looking at the new baby in wonder.
Today your baby sister was napping and when she woke up you heard her crying before I did. You immediately told me that she was crying and ran ahead of me into the bedroom, where you gave her kisses and made silly faces until she laughed. As I watched the both of you, my mind flashed forward a few years; you're both playing outside, you on your training wheels and her on her tricycle, laughing and racing around the yard. Maybe you let her win sometimes, or maybe you don't; either way to help to teach her about friendly competition.
My mind races forward a few more years and you are both eating popcorn and watching a movie, giggling while talking about some boy you both know, enjoying each other's company. Maybe you get upset at her because she always borrows your clothes and always wants to tag along, or maybe you see those things as compliments to your style and friends. Either way, you are paving the way for her through the teen years, using your experiences to help her when it's her time to go down that bumpy road.

Again my mind races forward and I see the both of you at the table on Thanksgiving, home from college break. You are both discussing your classes and teachers, and you are giving her advice on how to cope during Freshmen year. I can see how you are both blossoming into beautiful, smart, and caring women, and my mind flashes forward again.
This time I see the both of you oohing and aahing over a newborn baby. Whose baby it is, I never find out, because your giggles brings me back to the present. You are tickling your baby sister's feet and showing me how you can make her smile. The image of the future fades away, and that's okay. Because it is these moments in the present, these precious, all too fleeting moments, that make life grand.
Thank you for being so wonderful with your sister. Thank you for understanding that babies need a lot of time and attention, and never giving me grief over it. Thank you for understanding that although I may spend most of the day nursing a teething and fussy Guppy and holding her, there will always be our special time at night after she is asleep. And most of all....Thank you for being you.

What a beautiful letter! I'm gettin' all teary over here.
awe what a great letter and wonderful little girls you have!!
So awesome! Loved it! I have 3 kids myself, and they have always been adoring of the newest arrival.
I got your link through Adventures In Babywearing's blog...Have a great day!
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