1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
So, without much further ado: Eight Things About Me.
1. I have double vision, meaning I see two of everything. This makes playing games like pool and darts really hard, but I LOVE to see fireworks.
2. I have a fear of dolls. I watched one too many doll-come-to-life-and-murders-everyone scary movies when I was a kid and now I can't be near them. When we go to the mall and pass the doll kiosk, I have to have the Knight walk between me and the kiosk and I can't look at it when I pass.
3. Like Mama K, I also obsessively research everything, especially when it comes to my kids. Every decision that I make regarding parenting, whether a small one like what type of toothbrush to buy for the Mermaid or a large one, such as whether or not to vaccinate, I make only after researching all my options. Some people might say that I am obsessive and uptight. The Knight and most of my family says it is one of the things that makes me a great parent. I choose to believe my family.
4. I am a Trekkie. I watch all the older shows, including the original series, the Next Generation, and Deep Space Nine. Right now I am in a Voyager kick, because you can't help but love a Star Trek show that stars a female captain.
5. I used to hold horrible grudges. Not so much anymore. I think being a Mom has changed the way I look at forgiveness. Even though I am better at holding grudges, I still get very angry when it comes to insulting my parenting or my kids. This is an area I am working on.
6. I love having my kids with me at all times. I rarely need a babysitter to just "get away". If I have to leave my kids with a sitter, I will only leave them with my mother or sister or one trusted friend, and I miss them terribly. I get very annoyed when people tell me that all parents need "time away" from their kids, because the Knight and I don't feel that way.
7. I am addicted to sunflower seeds. I eat them every day. I am better than I was before having kids though....back then I would eat them until I got sick. Now I just snack on a little each day.
8. I want to write a book someday. I don't know about what, or even when, I just know it is something I would like to do in my lifetime.
Well that's it for me. I'm not sure who has already done this meme, so if you haven't already done it, I tag: Angela over at Breastfeeding 1 2 3, My Fabulous Self over at To Blog or Not to Blog, Dakota over at Dakota's Natural Blog, and Sinead over at Breastfeeding Mums blog. Anyone else who wants to join, please do so and leave a comment so I can read 8 things about you!
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