Top 10 Things I Love About Babywearing (not necessarily in any specific order)...
10. It allows me to express myself fashionably. See, for the most part I'm all about function and less about fashion. I don't wear any jewelry (gets caught on things too much), I do my hair just to get it out of my face (I can't remember the last time I took more than 5 minutes to style it), I wear functional shoes (no heels, black) and I barely put any makeup on (it's only going to be rubbed off with baby drool kisses, anyway). The most adventurous I ever get with my purses is a pink one I got as a gift. So imagine my delight when I discovered how many different colors, patterns, and styles that baby carriers are available in. I love being able to wear something that is both functional and fashionable, a bright and fun print that brightens up my day. Sometimes putting on a bright and fun carrier is just the pick me up I need on a drab day.
9. It has helped me to make new friends. While wearing the Guppy, I can't even count how many women have come up to me to ask me about the carrier I am wearing and where they could get one. Striking up a conversation with other fellow mamas is easy when you have a fun product to talk about! In fact, when the Guppy was about six weeks old, I was approached in WalMart by an employee who asked me about my pouch. Turns out she is also a fellow babywearing mama and she is the one that introduced me to a lot of my other babywearing friends and even gave me the information to join a NINO group. Talk about making friends fast!
8. It's more convenient. With the Mermaid, I always used a stroller. So wherever I went, I had to make sure the stroller was in the trunk, take the stroller out when we got there, unfold it, clip the Mermaid in, and then maneuver the whole thing through slim shopping aisles and pray that nothing got knocked over or that I didn't run over someone's toes. When we went to places that weren't stroller friendly, I had to carry the Mermaid in my arms...and boy, that wasn't fun! Very tiring! With babywearing, I just take the Guppy out of her car seat, pop her into whatever carrier I chose for the trip, and off we go! Very great and comfy for those long trips to places where you can't take a stroller!
7. It helps me to get things done. With the Mermaid, I didn't have any problems getting housework done because the Mermaid was not a "pick me up baby". However, with the Guppy, it's a different story. The Guppy loves to be held all the time, and I love holding her. In fact, it brings me great joy to hold her. And due to babywearing, my housework and other things I have to get done do not get neglected. I just pop the Guppy into the carrier and voila! I get to complete my to do list and hold my baby close all at the same time. What a stress reliever!
6. It helps me to spread my attention evenly. I will have to say that as a mother to more than one kid, babywearing has been a lifesaver. Before my first carrier that I ordered came in the mail, I had a hard time dividing my attention between the Guppy and the Mermaid. The Guppy would need to be fed but the Mermaid would need her diaper changed. The Guppy would want to be held but the Mermaid would be asking for lunch. The Guppy would be fussy and want to have me close but the Mermaid would want me to dance/sing/color/go for a walk with her. Babywearing was the perfect solution to this problem. I just pop the Guppy into the carrier on my back and I'm able to change the Mermaid's diaper, or go for a walk, or dance with her, color with her, etc. This way, both my kids are equally getting my attention. It definitely makes me feel more confident about eventually having a third child!
5. It keeps away the baby hogs. I know that this situation doesn't apply to everyone, but at this young age I believe a baby is better off and happiest in his or her mother's arms. Don't get me wrong, I do play an occasional game of pass the baby at family functions, no problem. After all, who can resist holding a cute baby? But when the Guppy is fussy or teething and wants her mommy, putting her in a carrier is a great way to keep pushy people from insisting on holding her. This makes both baby and mommy more secure and happy.
4. It's good for baby and mommy. The benefits of babywearing are proven and true. Benefits for the baby include: reassurance through physical touch; stimulation by viewing the world through the parents' point of view; less fussiness and crying; faster response to the baby's needs; and even improved motor control. Benefits for Mommy (or even Daddy) include: easier to prepare to leave the house; easier to get housework done; a boost in confidence at being able to meet your baby's needs immediately. You can read more about the benefits of babywearing here and here.
3. It's a great way to sneak in extra exercise. Struggling to lose the last of the baby weight? Babywearing is a great way to sneak some exercise into your day. Doing housework with the Guppy on my back actually gives me a great work out, better than if I had done it while she sat in a swing or playpen. I also get better exercise going for a walk while wearing the Guppy on my back rather than walking alone.
2. I love having my baby close. When I am wearing the Guppy, I feel comforted knowing that she is right there next to me. I don't have to worry about if she is getting into something, or if she is bored, etc. Feeling her breathe on my arm or my shoulder, being able to sniff her freshly washed hair whenever I want really does comfort me and help to keep the stress level down in the house. In fact, when I go to work and walk around doing my job, I feel a little empty without her familiar weight on my back.
1. It makes my baby happy. The Guppy loves to be worn. When she sees me bring out one of my carriers, her whole body wiggles with excitement. I usually wear her on my back and when I toss her up there she squeals and laughs with delight. She feels confident and secure when I wear her, because she knows that I am right there to respond to her needs. When she's teething or fussy, babywearing is the only thing that will calm her down and make her laugh again. And who can resist such a cute laugh?
So there you have it, my favorite 10 things about babywearing. So let's hear from you now: if you babywear, go ahead and leave a comment telling us what your favorite thing, or things, about babywearing are.
1 comment:
These are GREAT reasons!! I love the fashion statement part of it, too. I think that's why so many of us get addicted!!
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