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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Recent Thing

He's a happy baby now, but it hasn't always been this way.

Wordless Wednesday

I'm also over at API Speaks today, talking about the concept of "good" babies.


Anonymous said...

awww..what a great smile!

Pamela Gold said...

The first year is SO rough. My third son is a year and a half old now and he still has his moments. Your little one is gorgeous!

Bunch of Barrons said...

So cute...glad he's happy! :) Mine have grumpy spells too...comes and goes thankfully. For the most part they are pretty easy to get along with. :)

Angela Power said...

I left this comment over on your guest post, but wanted to leave it for you here too:

Thank you for this. I am a first time mom of a 6 week old and his temperment requires me to hold him at ALL times but for some very brief periods of time he will be amused by his mobile where I haul ass to pee and get a snack! He is only this past week starting to nap better during the day. His lack of day time sleeping was causing him to be over tired and extremely cranky = needing to pacify himself on my nipples all day long. That coupled with sleep deprivation during the night made/makes for some pretty tough days.

It was so tough and caught me completely off guard because I never anticipated "my" baby would be challenging in that way. I imagined the sleepy agreeable newborn that you could tote everywhere in your sling etc. He's now starting to improve even though I still can't put him down for naps during the day and he needs to nap "on" me, but I'll take that any day over where we started from! I really appreciate this post because you're right - even with the "cranky" challenges in which we face(d) how can I not consider him a "good" baby? He is my child and as I learn to meet his needs as they change, he's starting to show more of the "happy" baby that's been in waiting to show himself. Referring to babies as "good" or "not" now strikes me in a completely different way. Do people mean "easy" when they say "good" perhaps? I think most people are liars when they casually brag about their "good" babies. At least that's what I keep telling myself! lol

My Wee View said...

:) the smiles always make those hard times seem like they were nothing too bad.... I too had a very difficult baby ... I loved her smiles, but it always surprised me how quickly her temperament changed.

Thanks for sharing your WW
