First, there's me. Mother, friend, doula, knitter. I'm a single mother who is homeschooling my children while I build my business. I'm a romantic at heart but my perfectionism gets in my way a lot. I'm basically a small town girl with BIG dreams for financial peace, a stable family, and a secure future. I started this blog when I began to feel a little judged about my attachment parenting lifestyle. I'm big on natural living, treading small, and raising my kids to love themselves, their family, and the Earth. If you want to know more about me, view my interview at 5 Minutes for Mom.
Next we have my oldest daughter, the Mermaid. She was born on September 3rd, 2004: a medicated vaginal birth in a hospital. Feisty as they come, she keeps us laughing at all hours with her antics. She loves learning, playing outside, hopscotch, dancing and painting. She also completely adores her sister and is absolutely fearless. Don't let her cuteness fool you there: she does have quite the temper and is fiercely independent!

Meet my youngest daughter, the Guppy. She was born on September 26th, 2006: an unmedicated waterbirth at home. Yes, at almost 2 years old she is still nursing and co-sleeping. She loves drawing, babies, and reading books. She insists on wearing dresses every day and has quite an impressive shoe fetish. She loves to cuddle with her mama and dadda to the point where we sometimes call her our little "Klingon". But don't let that fool you: she's as independent as her oldest sister and knows how to stand her ground on at the playground!
Finally, The Tadpole. He was born in the water at home on May 23, 2010. My only son, he brings joy to our lives every day.
That's our family. We may be weird, but we have big dreams and we're determined to reach them. So come along and join us on our journey - the more the merrier!