Frequently Asked Questions
What is "attachment parenting"?
Attachment Parenting is a way of parenting with the idea of fostering a close relationship between the parent and the baby by responding to the child's cues and needs. Attachment parenting is not "doormat parenting", or spoiling the child. Most parents who practice attachment parenting usually breastfeed, co-sleep, wear their babies, etc. although these practices are not required. For more information, please view the Eight Principles of Attachment Parenting.
Wait, you had a homebirth? Isn't that dangerous?
Actually, no. In fact, statistics show that for a healthy woman who is having a normal and uncomplicated pregnancy, having a homebirth may even be the safer option. I had three trained and experienced midwives at my homebirth who were there for the purpose of recognizing signs of complications and acting appropriately if such complications did arise. If you have any further questions about homebirth, please don't hesitate to email me.
Why don't you vaccinate your children?
Whether or not to vaccinate your children is a very personal decision. When it comes to our family, the Knight and I decided that it was best to not vaccinate. While I would never tell another parent how to raise their child, I would highly recommend doing the research that is needed to come to your own educated decision. Don't go on just what I say or the doctor says: find out if it is the right decision for you. You can read my posts on vaccinations here, here and here.
What are your BIG dreams for the future?
My husband and I decided a little while ago that we were going to take action to improve our lives. We have since made several changes, including: paying off debt through Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover; we became vegetarians; we both started businesses that will one day allow us to work from home and be more involved with our chilren; finally, we've started to live a more green and natural lifestyle and we're teaching our children to do the same. Our big goals is that in five to seven years we will be completely debt free, except for our mortgage. We will both be home with our children. And we will be building a secure financial future for ourselves and our kids.
Thank you for reading the FAQ's. If you have any more questions, feel free to email me!