Sometimes I feel as though I'm two people trapped in one body.
One person I like. She is a loving, patient mother. Organized. Smart. Activist without judgement. Happy with her life and how everything has turned out. She looks forward to her future, her goals of being debt free, her career goals involving women and babies. She balances everything in her life, so nothing is neglected and yet nothing is utterly consuming. She is so very, very far from being perfect and she is totally okay with that, in fact considers it one of her strengths.
Most days, I think this person shines through. But some days....some days the other person seems to swell up and take over.
I don't like this other person. She scares me. She is impatient with the girls, yells at them. Slings insults at The Knight like rocks. Neglects important things in her day. Judges others without really knowing the full story. Moans and complains about her life, wishes things were different, then does nothing to change the things she doesn't like. She's insecure, and a little paranoid.
98% of the time, this person lies dormant inside me and causes no harm. But lately, for whatever reason, she's been coming up more than I would like. I'm not sure why, although The Knight has suggested that it is related to pregnancy hormones. Who knows.
I'm okay with this other person existing. She puts things in perspective for me. But I'm not okay with her coming up so often.
It does make me wonder, though, if I am alone in this. If there are two sides to everyone, maybe one that everyone tries to keep down and hidden. I think of it whenever a complete stranger is rude to me or my children, or some "idiot" cuts me off on the road and almost causes us to crash...yes, this person was a jerk to me in that moment...but should that define that person? Or is there another side?
Maybe everyone really does deserve a second chance?
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this...

Two Sides