Yesterday I took my knitting bag out from under the end table and took a peek inside.
How long has it been since I worked on my knitting? I found out quickly by examining the project on my needles; a sweater that I had started working on for The Mermaid last year.
It was in March of this year that
I last picked up my needles. The sweater will no longer fit The Mermaid, but if I finish it, it will fit The Guppy...
So last night, I sat and knitted. Knitting is such good therapy for me; I usually pick easy projects that don't require much thinking, brainless ones that I can work on while talking or watching TV. It relaxes me and lets me think about things while I work; it gives me a visible accomplishment and proof of progress to look at by the end of the day.
I think that is what I need the most right now; proof of progress and accomplishment. My life has been extremely crazy and unsettled lately, and on top of that, while I am feeling much better, this pregnancy is leaving me exhausted and with little ambition. The house is an absolute mess and I find myself unable to work on other things in my life as well. In fact, last night while knitting I even felt guilty, thinking
there is soo much work you need to get done and instead you are sitting here knitting. But for some reasons, the needles kept calling to me with their reassuring and calming
click click click and I kept knitting.
As I finally sighed and set my work aside to go to bed, I took one last look at it and paused. Where before I started was nothing, there was now the beginning of the front of the sweater. And there it was, right in front of me, and I thought, S
o this is what accomplishment looks like. I had forgotten. And suddenly I knew why I had craved to hold the needles in my hand again; so I can remind myself that I can accomplish things, and be proud of them, no matter how small.
So, today I am going to tackle my own expectations of myself. I am going to admire and praise whatever small accomplishments I make around the house, instead of getting overwhelmed by all that I have to do. Baby steps is my new plan of action. I'm going to start with putting away some laundry. And I will make sure I end my day with knitting.
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5 Minutes For Mom.

Knitting Away High Expectations