For dinner, we went to a new restaurant and had great food.
On the way home, The Knight and I played "I Spy" with the girls. We laughed together, each person's laughter bounding off the others and echoing into our hearts.
We got home and all went to bed early. As I lay in the dark cuddling with The Guppy, she whispered to me about all the fun she had today, a day that I thought would be uneventful and boring when I woke. Then she whispered And now it's night time, time to go to sleep and have good dreams. I smiled as we drifted off to sleep.
I woke up in the morning when The Guppy kissed my cheek. I look up at her, and she whispered And now it's morning time, time to wake up. As if our conversation was never interrupted by a full night of sleep and good dreams. And I realized that this type of conversation, the kind you can have only with really good friends and loved ones, the kind that just pick up where you left off no matter how much time has gone by....that's the best kind of conversation.
The Guppy sat up, stretched, and said Guess what, Mommy. My life is AWESOME!!
I couldn't agree more.
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