I hesitated. Last time you had tried to ride the roller coaster, you got frightened and cried the entire ride. You must have sensed my hesitation, because you quickly reassured me.
Don't worry Mommy, I won't be scared. I'm five now, I'm a big girl.
You head up the steps and to my surprise, immediately head to the front car. You wiggle anxiously while the others are loaded in, and then grip the handlebars tight as the cars start moving.
The cars go around the tracks three times...up and down, up and down. The first time, you cling tight to the handle bars and your eyes open wide...but you don't cry. The second time, you smile slightly and tentatively raise one arm in the air. By the third trip around, you have both arms straight up in the air and your face is beaming with joy and exhilaration.
You come bounding off the platform and jump into my arms. Mommy, I did it!! I didn't get scared, I really am a big girl!!
You skip ahead of me the rest of the night, too old to hold my hand as we weave through the busy crowd. It starts getting dark, and when we ask what other rides you want to go on, you clutch my hand, pull me close and whisper in my ear.
I know I'm a big girl now, Mommy. But, I am getting really tired. Can we go home so you can tuck me in?
I realize then that watching you grow and become independent is like being on my own personal roller coaster with you. It has its ups and downs, and we don't throw our arms up in the air all at once. We take our time and wait until we are ready for the next step...ready to put one arm up and then the other...
...ready to let go.
And when we do, its a moment filled with joy and exhilaration.
Happy Birthday, my Mermaid. I love you so much.
So...Brooke and Joshua have the same birthdate, Sept. 4?
awe, what a great post!
great anology to kids growing up but yet still needing our love!
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